Chapter 28. Goodbye

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- The Shatter-Dome, the present -

"You don't look sad, knowing that Mothra was killed fighting that kaiju." Teruo mentioned as the pair entered the elevator.

"She wasn't killed, she gave her life to revive the injured." Shobi smiled, "She was too wounded to continue. She would have rather sacrificed her life than to die fighting."

"She died so others could continue fighting." Teruo pressed a button next to the doors, "She is a goddess. I can respect that. Hopefully me and Wataru go down fighting. It would suck if we just died without someone to continue." Teruo rubbed his chin, "Huh, I guess Adaine really did have a point."

"About dying for no reason? Yea, she did. Which raises my suspicion about her sudden announcement about the Titans, and we just so happen to get attacked by this Titan Hunter."

"I wonder if Adaine knows which Kaiju this is." Teruo looked to Shobi, "And it's been awhile, hopefully she can tell us something about Jay. Maybe she can wake him up already."

Teruo listened to the elevator as it passed the floor Jay and Moto is on, and then passing the floor where Wataru laid, resting in their room.

"Yea, I hope so too," Shobi said, thinking back to the possibility of executing Kiryu. "Nick said we have less than 10 hours, and even that was a rough estimate."

The doors opened to the empty floor, just around the corner, they could hear Adaine screaming, trying to keep her voice down but her voice was filled with frustration.

Shobi and Teruo looked to each other, a little concerned before running out into the hallway, seeing Adaine's door smashed into the wall across from her cell.

"What the hell?!" Teruo sped up, leaving Shobi behind, "Shobi stay here!"

Adaine screamed out, "Why can't I reach you?!"

Teruo looked inside the room, seeing Adaine pulling at her hair, "This is bullshit! WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING HEAR ME!!!!" Adaine looked to Teruo, "You!" She grabbed his shirt, "Jay is dead!"

"What?!" Teruo grabbed her hand, "Are you serious?"

"That's the only conclusion I can come up with!" Adaine let her hands go, seeing Shobi peaking into the room, her eyes already shaking, "What did you say?"

Adaine pulled at her hair again, "Every time I get closer to his voice, it disappears. I call out to him, but I get silence in return." The woman scratched at her eyepatch, "I tried so hard to keep him in my range, but I feel like I'm not getting any closer! The thought that Jay is dead is scaring me!"

Teruo backed away as Adaine lashed out, punching the wall, "If he's dead, we are all fucked! Godzilla can only keep us safe for so long. We need two of them! Because he's already here, he's watching us! I can hear him trying to get inside my head! He's probably already in yours!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Teruo grabbed the woman, getting shoved back toward the door. "Are you talking about the Kaiju that's killing the Titans?"

"What?! There's one here already? Is that what all that screaming is?! Is this what you all have been dealing with? So much death! So much pain and loss! It's driving me insane! I just want to stop all this so Jay can wake up!"

"Wait, if you aren't talking about the Kaiju that's already here, then what are you talking about?"

"I don't know which one exactly, but one of them is on the moon. It's watching us. I can hear it's giggling, it's hatred and nonstop thoughts of destroying this place." Adaine looked up, "It's going to be here real soon, but now it's planning on how to invade this place!" Adaine grabbed Teruo's shirt again, putting her head to his and going through his recent memories.

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