Chapter 11.

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The elevator doors opened.

Still annoyed, Adaine walked out of the doors before slowly waiting for me to follow her.

I did so, walking to my room. By my door was a bunch of snacks, flowers and "get well" cards. The sight of it all put a smile on my face.

Adaine picked up the food, "Who gives a guy flowers?" She kicked them to the side.

I nudged her away and picked up everything. Holding the wilting flowers in my arms and cards between my fingers, I put in the code to enter my room. I stood in front of Adaine so she couldn't see what numbers I punched it.

"That's not necessary." Adaine said.

I stepped back while looking at her, "Why?"

She took a step forward and tapped her hand on the top of the button pad, suddenly it fell off the wall, hanging by a few wires, one of them was cut. "Because I broke into your room."

She banged her hand on the door, making it slide open as if she never locked it to begin with.

She smirked as she walked in.

I put the button pod back on the wall, making it look like it hadn't been broken.

As I walked into my room, Adaine closed the door and dropped the snacks, "Alright enough wasting time."

She pushed me onto the bed, "What the hell?"

"I need you to lie down." She put her hands on my shoulders, trying to push me down. "I'm done wasting time with this bullshit." She pushed harder.

I just sat there, watching her try to move me, "What exactly are you going to do once I lay down?"

She stopped, letting her arms rest as she looked at me, "You're blushing again." Immediately she slapped me, "Get your mind out of the gutter!"

"Well what are you trying to do?" I grinned.

"I can't explain it, and I've wasted 2 weeks trying to get inside that thick fucking head of yours but being unconscious made it very difficult." Again, she tried to push me down, "Lie down goddamnit!"

"Well you are going to have to tell me what you are trying to do."

She leaned forward, actually managing to push me back a little, "There's too much to explain, and too many questions to ask with so little time."

"Bullshit. Now explain yourself or I'm gonna sit on you, and trust me, I'm sure this metal spine has added an extra 5 pounds to my weight." I joked but I was also serious.

Adaine stopped and sighed, letting her arms fall to her sides. She clenched her teeth as she leaned her head to the side and covering the bite wound on her shoulder.

Again I could smell it, that certain scent that came off as nonhuman, a weird scent that somehow had an after smell, just like some foods have an aftertaste.

Adaine stared at me, no glaring, no squinting, or signs of annoyance. She just looked at me, thoughts were brewing in her head.

I looked back into her beautiful eye.

She sighed, "Forget it, there's no point in hiding it. I thought I would be able to for as long as possible yet you instantly saw through my disguise."

I raised a brow, "Explain."

"Like you, I'm too hotheaded to deal with people, and don't deny that. You just very nearly and very easily killed your own brother." She popped her neck, "Anyways..... as I was saying...." She rubbed the back of her head, "Like you, I'm too eager to listen to orders, and because of that I lost my position and was sent here to invade you inconceivable pack of gullible idiots. The only thing about that is, my ship had no weapons, I was sending out empty threats with-"

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