Chapter 16. And then there were Two

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- The infirmary -

The security guards pushed the door opened.

"Jay?" Shobi asked as Wataru pulled her back to give them space, "What happened?!"

The pilots stepped aside, seeing Jay's pupils out of sight. His entire body was limp with his head dangling back, causing blood to escape his mouth and go up his cheeks and over his eyes.

A few nurses and doctors rushed to see what had done this to the young pilot.

The other pilots could only watch as Jay's suit was cut off his body with the bite marks still bleeding out.

"What happened to him?" Shobi asked.

"He started yelling at your friend with the eyepatch. It seems he's having some kind of seizure," one of the guards explained.

"Adaine? Where is she?"

"She's been placed in a cell for further questioning." The other guard answered.

One of the nurses pulled a curtain around Jay's bed, "I'm sorry but you'll have to leave."

"Can you tell us what's happening?" Shobi asked.

Moto tried getting one last look before Jay was hidden from view.

"It's called a neural disconnect. It happens sometimes when a pilot is pulled from their Jaeger without properly leaving."

"Doesn't that require two pilots to happen?" Moto asked.

"Yes, but it seems Jay has lost a lot of blood and gained too many wounds to sustain. So again, I'm gonna have to ask everyone to leave for the moment." The nurse looked to the two guards.

They nodded, stepping aside and gesturing to the door, "You heard the lady, please exit the room."

Shobi wanted to stay but was pushed out by Wataru and Moto.

The pilots were locked out of the infirmary, hearing the doctors inside talking about sedating Jay.

The guards stood in front of the door, "We'll inform you when you may enter again."

Shobi just stared at the door, expecting something to happen, only for Moto to nudge her arm, "Come on."

She looked at Moto with tears in her eyes.

"I know you want to see Jay and I do too, but we need to let them do their thing." He pulled her arm, "We'll see Jay soon. I'm sure of it."

Shobi wiped the tears away, "You are right."

As they started walking away, they heard a loud scream.

The guards were also startled, opening the door to reveal the curtains covered in dark blood.

"Jay?" Shobi asked again.

The guards rushed inside, hurrying to pull back the curtains.

To their surprise, Jay was standing on the bed, having the suit hanging around his waist and yelling out.

The doctors tried get a good grip on the pilot, "Calm down."

Jay yelled again, forcing out more blood from his body which he sent splattering across the floor with his sudden flailing.

He scratched at his body, screaming like a madman.

His fingers scraped his skin so hard he began to cut his arms.

Shobi was about to run inside if it hadn't been for Wataru and Moto holding her back, "Wait! Don't go in there!"

"Look at him! He's in pain!"

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