Chapter 13.

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- With Wataru and Teruo. -

Both pilots walked through the ocean, "Sir yessir!"

The blue mech saw the Kaiju a mile away, pushing a small white ship towards them.

"Do you really think that Kaiju is a threat?" Teruo raised a brow.

Wataru was already thinking about how they would kill it, "Of course it's a threat!"

"That's not what I mean."

Delta Wolf held out its right arm, aiming the heat seeking missiles at the monster.

"It could be a Kaiju that helps us." Teruo said, trying to lower the mechs arm.

"You have your orders!" Pentecost reminded them.

"It could be a trap." Wataru was ready to open fire.

The Kaiju, lowered its head to the ship.

"Look! It's attacking them."

"NO!! Hold on!" Teruo yelled.

Both Pilots watched as one of the men on board; managed to climb his way up the monsters snout. Slowly getting between the Kaiju's eyes. He waved his hands out, yelling at the pilots.

Both of them lowered their arm.

The man on the Kaiju's head, pointed to the shore, causing the Kaiju to push the ship.

Teruo and Wataru stepped out of the way. Searching the ship for something out of place. Imprinted on the side was "H.E.A.T SEEKER".

"Sir, Delta Wolf to Base." Both pilots let the Kaiju pass them. "This Kaiju is pushing a small boat, on the side, it says Heat Seeker."

They waited for a response.

- The Shatter-Dome. -

"Heat seeker?" Pentecost went over those words. Even the pilots questioned it.

"Dr.Tatopoulos?" Moto spoke out, "He examines the Kaiju for Ms.Shao."

Everyone looked to him, making him feel nervous, "...... what? Before he worked with Shao industries, he use to travel with his friends on a ship called the Heat Seeker."

"Could the Kaiju be the problem you said he had to deal with?" Shobi asked.

The Kaiju showed no aggression in anyway to the Jaegers, and Tatopoulas did say he was arriving tomorrow. Pentecost thought, it was tomorrow. He sighed, "Delta Wolf to Base..... keep an eye out for Royal Monarch......"

- With Delta Wolf. -

Wataru and Teruo took in the sight of the Kaiju, still trying to get use to seeing a man standing on top of Kaiju's head.

Teruo giggled, "It's like a big horse."

Wataru raised a brow, "What the hell? Where have you seen horses that walk on its hind legs? And who stands on horses?"

Teruo rolled his eyes, "Nevermind, smart ass." Delta Wolf faced the massive smoke cloud, moving closer and closer to the shores.

The blue mech then began to march. Heading towards the shrouded area.

Out in the ocean, Ford and Elle had been keeping their distance from Obsidian Fury. Keeping an eye out for the grey ooze, the liquid that seeped from the mechs arms. No matter how hard Obsidian Fury swung its arms, not a single drop fell off the mech, staying intact as if magnetized.

"ROYAL MONARCH TO BASE?!?!" Ford yelled, frantically trying to get ahold of Pentecost, but they were on their own.

Ford gritted his teeth, "Goddamnit!"

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