Chapter 43. Doesn't Exist

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- Mars, Xilien Citadel -

Oblivion and Harvester stepped onto the citadel, closing the breach behind them. They walked through the near-empty city, heading towards the north corner of the city with Kastr and the two Xiliens still in his palm.

Kastr stabbed his tail into Yaden's chest, closing the hole in her throat. Her human appearance slowly reformed into her true state.

Kastr listened for her thoughts, hearing some semblance of words beginning to surface, "Good, she's still alive." The king stood up, placing a foot on her chest.

"My time here is short, and I now feel comfortable with asking questions," Bolo crossed his arms, taking in the sight of the near barren city, "So, can I know how much of what you told them was a lie?"

Kastr took off his mask, looking into the eyes, "What part do you think was a lie?"

"That is the issue with you. Either all of it is a lie, or none of it is." Bolo snapped his fingers, having Oblivion lift the three aliens up to his head. The kaiju slid them onto the armor along his head.

Kastr held Yaden down, ensuring she wouldn't slip away, "Again, you tell me what you think was a lie, and what wasn't."

The big Xilien glanced to the thing under the hood, seeing his face had changed again, holding his mask with his tail, "I have gone through our records, and searched for your planet in the databank, Vortaak. That planet, your home as you claimed... it does not exist."

"No... it doesn't exist... it did at one point." Kastr sat beside Yaden, seeing the kaiju still had some time until he reached an organic red pulsing tower covered in thorns, that sprouted from the wall.

"Yes, you've told me that too. However, no mention of that name comes up anywhere. Even if Xenus had destroyed your planet, the name would still show up in our database." Bolo stood beside the king, "So, I would like to know the truth. Where did-"

"What does it matter?" Kastr asked, "You will be dead soon."

"That is exactly why I want to know who you really are." Bolo stopped Oblivion, making the kaiju turn back to the city, getting the best view possible, "This city contained millions of lives. Innocents with no power over the actions of Xenus or Takion. Now this place has gone hollow, filled with very few survivors who live and will die in constant fear."

"My planet had done nothing to warrant an attack from the Xiliens either. This is merely the building suspense and consequences of your actions." Kastr explained, "I had to endure what felt like an eternity trying to survive against monsters that I wish I had never encountered."

"That is also another lie." Bolo glared back at Kastr, "We have an understanding, do we not? Have I not been loyal, and trustworthy? Have I not stood by while you devoured or murdered my people with no hesitation? I have lost the faith of many of the ones I hold in high regard. I have watched while you and your monster tortured Xenus to the point of snapping his sanity. Yet you still claim that I took part in the death of your planet."

Bolo approached the king, "Your words and actions are strong. I have seen the pain in your eyes, the deaths of thousands linger around you like a shroud because of what I know Xenus has done. Your aggressive and murderous rampage against the Xiliens feels justified, and without showing me any proof, I believe you. I do not want to believe you, yet I do."

Kastr placed the mask back on, "Get to the point."

"Why do you tie me to the events of the death of your people? Explain to me why you constantly lie about my presence when I know for fact, that I was not there." Bolo clenched his fists, "I want you to answer me! Now!"

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