Chapter 36. The Shrouded Fortress

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The cloud was closing in on the city, still taking its time to come down and reach the Earth.

Delta Wolf marched toward the cities shore with the others behind them. The pilots took every step with caution, expecting the dust cloud to come down on them in a second.

Delta Wolf stopped, turning to the other Jaegers, "Who is staying here and who is going to check on the citizen's?" Teruo asked.

"All of us should go." Muramasa said as Red Brawler stepped beside Delta Wolf. "We need to stick together and make sure that thing up there doesn't come for those people."

Wolf looked back to Marauder Vortex and Warmonger Stark, "What about you two? What do you say?"

Marauder nodded with the twins already passing the others, "We need to draw a line and make sure those people are safe. We should only engage unless we absolutely need to."

"The four of you go, Gage and I will remain in the city." Mack and his copilot looked up at the shroud.

"Don't try and be a badass." Kujo stated.

"We aren't. We want to distract that thing from heading toward all those people." Gage responded, "There are far too many people in danger and we can't risk that thing up there going after them."

Marauder was already down the street, "We can talk and walk at the same time guys!"

Gage and Mack nodded, "Alright, we'll all go together. But we are the distraction, our jaeger is more agile than yours."

"Guys, where's Allison and Sebastian?" Wataru asked as he looked toward Marauder.

Marauder stopped, realizing they had already lost sight of the Winters.

"They are heading north, toward Apex headquarters." Adaine said as she focused on Warmonger Stark, "They want to make sure their father is alright."

"Can't you search for him?" Teruo asked.

"I'm trying, but either he's already gone with the other humans, or he's found a way to keep me out of his head. So far I can't find anyone else in that base, so he's gone." Adaine said as she tried to listen in on the kaiju coming from above, "Go get them, we need them here with us."

The Jaegers hurried through the city, going into a job while searching for Stark as the cloud of dust came down on the city, blocking out the suns bright rays of light.

"Is it me, or is that cloud coming down much faster than before?" Gage asked Mack. His brother glanced to the shroud, "I think it is."

Marauder, the furthest jaeger from the group, started to slow down while the wall of dust came down before them. The silence was unnerving, seeing how fast the cloud of particles reacted to their presence.

"Shit. It was waiting for us." Adaine exclaimed, "Everyone, keep your eyes open!"

Teruo and Wataru looked back at her for a moment, "Do you know what kaiju it is?"

"I wish I could tell you. I've never seen anything like this before. But it's talking. I can hear it giving the people orders, telling them to evacuate."

"But why?" Wataru asked.

Delta Wolf slowed down until it was behind Marauder. On the other side of the building, Grim Butcher and Red Brawler scanned the skies, looking for the monster hiding in the silent storm.

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