Chapter 78. The Atomic Crusade

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Godzilla had seen a lot of foes in his lifetime. Even encountering copies of himself and failed attempts at creations meant to defeat him. He had gone against bigger monsters and challenging opponents. He was certain nothing could surprise him at this point, but now, he thought the universe wanted to prove him wrong.

The Titan king and Kiryu braced for impact with the portal unleashing a worlds worth of water through the portal. Kaiju from the portal tore through to Earth, letting out a collective roar, blending in their rage with thunderous cracks of lightning.

Thousands of feet above the city came the flood.

The two titans powered up, their combined radiation and heat had plunged everything in the city into a blazing furnace.

They had charged to the max; holding in that power as Kiryu matched Godzilla and held their ground as the flood hit the tallest building, forcing the titans to tense their muscles before the water hit the earth.

Despite their size, both titans were instantly swept from the ground, hitting them with such force they both hit the ground before getting thrown aside with the first wave of kaiju.

Even with their instant dip into blood and water, the twin titans continued to glow a pure white, lighting the water with the radiance, revealing to the titans they were surrounded in kaiju from the portal, along with thick blood and torn limbs and body parts.

Kiryu was smashed through a remaining building, but that was the least of his problems. All the Kaiju surrounding him, he had seen before.

Clones of defeated kaiju from the breach were now filling this flooded city in growing numbers.

It was all so much to take in but Kiryu noted something before he could attack the nearest kaiju. They all seemed to be avoiding him.

Kiryu used his tail to push himself away from the building, easily spotting Godzilla tearing through several kaiju while swimming through the flood.

He saw other kaiju heading toward Godzilla, but they too seemed to be trying to flee.

Were they trying to reach land? To destroy the next city? It could be a possibility, yet something felt off.

The previous encounters had shown Kiryu all these kaiju before, and they all had their eyes aimed at their target, ready to engage anything in sight. Pure aggression and fury was always seen in their eyes, but now, all their expressions had one of worry or fear.

The way they swam represented their status as prey, trying to escape from something, most likely the thing that had already created this many corpses which floated in pieces around the living.

Kiryu swam after Godzilla who was slowing down, starting to realize no kaiju was swimming toward him to fight, instead actively avoiding his presence.

As the two titans got closer, Godzilla and Kiryu examined the kaiju's behavior, feeling whatever was chasing them away, wasn't far behind.

They both looked up to the portal, seeing it still open with water shooting down to earth.

The atomic titans swam against the current, evaporating the water around them in a vortex while making their way through the oncoming kaiju and the body parts still falling with the blood.

The physics behind their ascension was in question, yet they also felt lighter, as if the portal itself had an effect on gravity.

Kiryu tried to keep up with Godzilla, showing the same animosity and intensity to get to the portal, letting kaiju escape from the horror above.

While heading to the portal, Godzilla spotted a figure just outside the falling water, a black and white individual with glowing red eyes.

Instantly Godzilla recognized Monster X just floating beyond his reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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