Chapter 50. A Watchful Eye

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Adaine beamed up the two jaegers before setting a course back to the base, "Alright, everyone hold tight. We'll be back in a few minutes." Adaine typed onto the device, "My other ship is going to extract Gigan and follow behind us."

"That's all interesting Adaine, but how is Jay doing?" Yumi asked.

"Also, how did Kiryu land before us? Aren't we all in the same ship?" Raleigh asked.

"Can I ask where the big monkey came from?" Mako asked, "Although I'm grateful he aided us."

"I don't know about the monkey, and to answer your question, Raleigh, my ships can transport one individual to the other if it's within a certain proximity to the other," Adaine said as she checked on Jay again.

The Xilien slowly reached in and poked the pilot's arm before quickly retreating. "Jay..." she whispered before leaning forward into the tube a second time and tapping the pilot with her foot, "Jay, are you... yourself again?"

The pilot flinched, forcing Adaine to step back and slam the tube shut, "Jay?"

The pilot leaned up as he rubbed his face. He sat against the tube, grabbing at his face, murmuring to himself, "He really is gone..."

"Yo, are you ok?" Adaine knelt down, tapping on the glass, "Well... you look alright from here." She opened the tube with the pilot still talking to himself, "He's gone..."


"Hey, Adaine," Raleigh interrupted the two, "You never answered my question correctly. Why was Kiryu in the city before us? Why isn't Jay responding?"

"Uh... I had a single moment to send one of you down and Kiryu was the only option I had. Now, Jay... he has a headache, he's having a hard time communicating with me," Adaine looked to the device, seeing they were close to the base. "He's awake though, and there are no wounds on him this time. So that's a good thing. Kiryu was stabbed multiple times, I was expecting to see those same wounds inflicted on Jay but he's fine... sorta..."

She leaned down to the tube again, seeing Jay whispering to himself. The pilot looked up to Adaine, "I'm alone again."

"What? What do you mean? I'm right here, aren't I?" Adaine asked.

Jay's hand slowly rose up; tapping the side of his head as Adaine instantly realized the black and purple swirl was absent from both his eyes. Jay bundled against the tube, wrapping his arms around his legs, "Connor is gone..." he lowered his head as he started to sob.

"The Precursor?" Adaine asked. She opened the tube, "I noticed he went silent awhile back... around the time Kastr spoke to us."

"Adaine, we are here. What are you waiting for?" Yumi asked.

Adaine looked to the device, seeing her ship was hovering over the base. She beamed down the Jaegers into the ocean, letting the two mechs enter the base at their own pace.

Jay stood up, "Just like that he is gone." The pilot stumbled out of the tube next to Adaine, walking past her with the Xilien following behind him.


Adaine was beamed down onto the helipad, being greeted by the pilots, unsure if they should celebrate but welcoming her back all the same.

Wataru hugged Adaine, lifting her off the ground for a moment, "I'm glad to see that you are alright."

"Are you hurt?" Mack asked.

Adaine shook her head, "You guys might want to give Jay some space. He's a bit out of it right now."

"Did he get hurt like before?" Wataru asked as the others looked up to the ship.

Adaine stepped back with Wataru, "No. I was watching him throughout the fight. He's not injured but I'm going to have to talk to him," Adaine watched her ship flash a bright light down onto the helipad with Jay beaming down.

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