Chapter 52. Incomplete

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- Earlier -

Jay yelled out, feeling the side of his stomach being pierced multiple times. He slammed his jaws shut, before holding in the pain. Ralagor switched hands, pushing Jay back before raising its cannon and bashing in the pilot's face.

The pilot felt his nose break with blood filling his throat. Again he was struck before he was allowed to fall back.

The pilot fell and fell; falling continuously as he just stared at Ralagor. The distance between them never changed yet his descent never ceased.

The pilot stared into the eyes of the cyborg. Its eyes were the only thing that remained as everything began to fade. The kaiju's body was disappearing yet its four eyes never lost sight of Jay.

The pilot finally landed but was cushioned against the floor. He fell, however his body landed as if he was falling in water. He hit the solid floor; his head barely felt any impact.

Jay laid there, staring up at the four beating eyes, unable to look anywhere else.

As he lay there, he noticed a red mist starting to lift into view. Jay looked to the crimson stream as his eyes were led to his wounds. The blood flowed, confirming he was underwater. He could feel its presence all around his body, yet he was able to breathe.

Jay raised a hand to his mouth, blowing out air but feeling nothing against his palm. He inhaled without a problem; feeling his lungs fill in his chest

He breathed in, holding it in his lungs. He glanced back up at the eyes, seeing them focusing on the pilot as Jay realized that this was inside his head.

The pilot slowly placed his hands to his wounds, feeling a gaping hole in his side, yet the pain was absent.

Jay placed his hands to the floor, quickly pushing himself up as he held his wound, "Can I talk... Yes, I can."

"You can also listen," a voice echoed from the direction of the eyes.

The four eyes blinked, taking on different forms as the bottom pair of eyes remained stationary as the top pair moved to the side; forming a body as the eyes disappear.

Almost instantly Jay blinked and the eyes were gone, however, Kastr stood before him with another much bigger hooded figure. As it stepped away from Kastr, thousands of whispers and murmurs filled the void and space between the three individuals.

Thousands of voices spoke out, making it difficult to just focus on one. One after the next, the voices would speak up and silence just for others to fill the silence.

Again the bigger individual took a step away from Kastr and silenced every word spoken.

Jay remained still, watching the creature walking out toward the void, keeping a short distance away from the pilot.

Its body seemed to be similar to that of Kastr, only expanded. It walked with a hunch, its steps almost nonexistent as it touched the floor. The difference was Kastr's mask was visible, but under the other one's hood, was hollow.

The pilot remained in place, keeping away from them both while having them both in his sight.

The pilot backed away, trying to remain calm.

"I have not come here to harm you, show a hint of fear and I will kill you," the taller figure said through a multitude of voices making up a single sentence. "I have come here to finish my onslaught."

Jay took another step back, bumping into something, and instantly recognized it as Connor.

The pilot stayed still, holding his ground, "What onslaught?"

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