Chapter 44. Self Destruction

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- Shatter-Dome -

Jay walked down the empty hallway, stepping into the room Adaine had remained in. He grabbed the door, ramming it back into place as he quickly turned to the room, screaming to himself.

He let the room fill with his anger, punching the wall and shattering the mirror with a quick jab. The pilot rammed his head into the wall, unable to focus as he screamed again. He pulled at his hair, feeling Teruo's life come to a sudden end.

He cried out, screaming as he continued to punch the wall, hitting the wall until his hands bled. The skin on his knuckles peeled away but they quickly healed, forcing Jay to punch even harder, wanting this pain to stay.

He cocked his fist back, yelling out as he punched the wall again, shattering the concrete around his fist.

Yumi and Emi stepped out of the elevator, hearing the floor fill with Jay's scream. The twins looked to each other, concerned as they listened to the pilot; listening to him beat himself up in the room.

Jay held his bleeding hand, feeling his skin burn while it repaired quickly, reforming the skin over his knuckles. Again the pilot turned to the shattered mirror in the sink, grabbing a shard and stabbing it into his wrist, "Why?!"

He scraped the shard across his arm, seeing the blood seep back into the wound until he removed the shard. The wound healed, leaving Jay with anger, quickly switching hands and stabbing his other wrist, "Please, just let me feel this!"

Jay dropped the shard, grabbing another and stabbing his arm.

Another shard was retrieved, stabbing his wrist before reaching into the sink and grabbing more.

He looked at his arm, seeing the shards falling from his skin. Jay clenched his teeth, "Please, just let me feel the pain!" A clear memory of Teruo flashed through his mind, forcing Jay to crumble to his knees, seeing the last shard drop from his wrist.

Yumi and Emi peaked through the door, seeing Jay with small streaks of blood dripping from his wrists, and tears dropping from his chin. His face was red while he cried, wanting nothing more than to perish on the spot.

The twins didn't know how to respond, seeing Jay with rage boiling inside.

Down the hall, Muramasa stepped around the corner, seeing the twins, "Hey, is he down here?"

Emi held a finger to her lips, keeping Muramasa from getting closer to the door, "He needs to be left alone."

Yumi stood by the door, hearing Jay break out into another rage, breaking his fist against the wall.

Yumi raised a hand to the door, about to make herself known. She knocked on the door, forcing Jay to go quiet for a moment, "What?! What do you want?!"

Yumi opened her mouth, but she couldn't think of anything, "..."

Jay stepped up to the door, "I just want to be left alone. I need to be punished for killing Teruo. I killed him, and I hear his voice in my head."

Yumi looked to Emi and Muramasa, seeing them approaching.

"Wataru isn't mad at you," Muramasa stated, "He's in his room, talking to that chick with the eyepatch."

"I don't care. I killed his best friend. It doesn't matter how you look at it," Jay stepped up to the door, "Please, just leave me here so I can find a way to hurt myself."

"Can you stop, you didn't kill him on purpose! Even Kastr claimed he killed Teruo. It's not your fault," Muramasa said as the door was dropped with Jay stepping out, "You didn't hear Teruo's thoughts. You didn't feel his pain the way I did. I felt everything as he died." Jay looked to his hands, "His last thoughts were cut short and all I can hear was how he wanted out of the Jaeger program."

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