Chapter 54. Recollection

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"So, correct me if I'm wrong here, we are just supposed to act like that thing isn't here?" Muramasa asked, "I can't do that."

"Yeah, even if it doesn't want to hurt us... it's scary lookin," Mack shivered.

"I can erase it from your mind if you want," Adaine said casually, "Or you can focus on the more important stuff, like how we are going to deal with these serpents." Adaine looked among the pilots, seeing them all coming up with their own ideas of what these new threats would look like.

"Serpents... so giant snakes," Wataru shivered, "Giant alien snakes."

"Sir, what is the next plan of attack?" Emi asked the director who was thinking to himself.

Pentecost held a hand up to the group, silencing everyone as he pressed the chip in his ear, "Tatopoulos, where are you?"

Moto stepped into the control room, "He's coming. We were just talking to-" The doctor stumbled in, "Sorry, my apologies. I'm here."

Moto let the doctor catch his breath while looking around for Jay, "Wait where is-"

"He's recovering," Adaine blurted out, stopping the others from adding any further details. She nudged Wataru's arm, "Ahem, yea Jay took some damage to the stomach."

"Wataru!" Adaine shoved his arm, "Keep the details to yourself please."

The Xilien quickly mouthed to Moto, "He's fine." She stepped back with the others as Pentecost and Tatopoulos had everyone's attention.

Nick was handed a tablet by one of the other staff members in the room. Nick went through it quickly, pulling up a picture of Kong, "Alright, for the ones who didn't see the fight, we have a new asset on our side."

"Hell yeah, he's a badass," Wataru mentioned as Moto agreed.

"Can I ask where that giant monkey came from?" Adaine asked.

"He's called Kong," Wataru mentioned.

"He came from a place called Skull Island," Nick moved onto the next picture, "Over the course of nearly 50 years, we have studied Kong, and the island. While there are kaiju that come from another world, Kong has been keeping other giant animals from leaving the island."

"Is that why he seemed tired?" Adaine asked, "I mean he helped a lot, so I can't complain but, he did look tired."

"Ever since Dagan called out to Godzilla and the others, Skull Island has been on a constant alert. But this morning, the threat seems to have stopped for the moment. After saving one of our operatives, we discovered that Kong can actually communicate with us."

"He can talk?" Muramasa raised a doubtful brow.

"Don't be stupid, that big gorilla can't talk... can he?" Gage eyed Nick.

"Apparently he speaks through sign language," Nick said as Adaine spoke out, "Apparently? Did you just find out about this?"

"One of Monarchs leading members on Skull Island is an inhabitant. She has been teaching him how to sign for a while now. But after Ralagor and Syn appeared, Kong showed that he wanted to help against the kaiju," Nick slowed down, waiting for one of the pilots to comment but they all remained silent.

Moto raised his hand, "Uh, can we tell them the other news?"

"I was about to get to that," Nick went through the tablet, "The reason I'm telling you about Kong, is because until we can get the second Titan to awaken, Monarch has been trying to find other Titans that could aid the Jaegers."

"So we have more Titans on our side?" Mack asked.

"Yeah, how many are going to help us now?" Wataru asked as Adaine held the pilot's hand. Wataru looked at her hand and then the Xilien. She just stared at Nick, causing Wataru to lock their fingers together.

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