Chapter 69. The Question is Why?

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Marauder Vortex covered the five in its palm, running out into the open, "Alright. Beam us up!"

Wataru held out the device only for Jay to cover it, "Hold on, wait I can't leave yet."

"Why?" Yumi asked.

"Newt and Herman are still somewhere here, plus there are still people inside!"

"That's suicide if you go!" Yumi covered the group.

Jay ran to the tip of the jaegers finger, jumping to the floor before the hands kept him from doing so, "I can't leave knowing Yaden is here with all these people. Get yourselves out. Go find the real Adaine!"

"Jay we aren't leaving you here! Please come with us." Wataru asked.

"Jay, I know you want to be a hero, but that thing is going to kill you," Pentecost assured.

"You guys aren't going to listen to me," Jay took off inside the halls, sprinting through the crowds of workers getting to the escape exits.

Security guards aided the crew of the base to safety. Jay passed all of them, leaping over sets of stairs to find Yaden.
"He left us," Yumi looked to Emi, "He left us."

"He will be back," Emi held her hand out to her sister, "We need to move. Come on."

Marauder Vortex turned to the opening, stepping out of the blast doors, "Alright Wataru. When you are ready."

"Right," Wataru beamed up the jaeger.

The group in the mech's hands appeared inside the ship while the twins waited in the void.

Wataru leaned against a destroyed control panel, sliding down so his leg could rest. Pentecost leaned beside the same machine, "Now, where did you two go? And where is Grim Butcher?"

"They are in Hong Kong. We saw something that you aren't going to believe unless we show you," Yumi said, letting Emi continue, "You'll see what we are talking about."

Slowly the ship spun around toward the city. Instantly the group could spot a strange shroud of mist spiraling around some kind of structure. A building or a creature, being surrounded in a twister of a blood tornado.

"What is that?" Nick asked subconsciously.

"We saw something moving and on the outskirts of the city, we thought we were seeing wrong, but it was Dagan. Without a head, he still got up and walked into the city," Yumi explained.

"It's been days since we killed it, how's it getting up now?" Wataru asked, looking over to Nick.

"Hey don't look at me, I'm just now finding out about this like you are," Nick could see from him and Pentecost that they expected some kind of answer.

"Wataru, where are you?" Mack cut into the conversation.

"Yeah, can you take us with you? We want to leave," Gage added.

"Where are you?" Wataru used the remote device, "Oh wait I see you."

The ship beamed up the jaeger.

"What else did you see down there?" Pentecost asked the pilots.

"We saw that thing, the Harvester stabbing into the headless part of the body," Mack answered, "After that, all the crystals in its back started to fall off. Then it started to tear itself apart."

"It's using the body's mass to grow," Nick watched the outline of Dagan slowly fall apart.

"What can we do?" Wataru asked.

"We can destroy it. I just didn't know if we could engage or not," Gage mentioned, "Sir, can we attack or is it time to leave?"

Pentecost thought to himself, having to tie up a piece of his sleeve over the wound in his shoulder. He grunted, tightening the cloth, "We already have a kaiju out there, and that thing inside the base. We can't afford to let this thing do what it wants. Vortex, I'm sending you down."

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