Chapter 39. More Players on the Board

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The figure watched SpaceGodzilla leap off the ground, easily lifting its body over the city with its ability to levitate.

The remaining crystals in the city shot at the kaiju, merging with its body while expanding until almost every shard had covered more than 80% of the monster.

SpaceGodzilla used its power it had drained from the city, revitalized yet its heart was racing in its chest. That fear of getting killed so easily was unbelievable, but that was his creator, it should know its weak points, and it did, taking full advantage of that weakness.

The kaiju's shoulder crystals brightened, flashing as the huge bundle of shards shot out to sea, letting its head crest guide the kaiju to its next location.

The figure pulled its hood back up with a brief look to the jeagers. It could hear their thoughts, and feel their pain, they were all alive, but the trauma of crashing through the city was near fatal for the humans.

From the heavens, a ship descended down with a bright beam of light shooting down on the building.

From the heavens, a ship descended down with a bright beam of light shooting down on the building

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In a flash, the figure was gone, brought inside the ship.

The room was dark, with a single dark faded green light coming from a massive water filled tube with an individual inside of it. A breathing apparatus allowed the human inside to breathe while floating peacefully.

The figure stepped up to the human boy, seeing his eyes flinching; trying to keep its heart from beating any faster.

The hooded figure raised a hand to the glass with another individual revealing themselves on the other side of the tube, a Xilien woman. "He's doing good so far, but the vitals of the pilots has fluctuated. Most of them will be dead soon, if not then too wounded to fight in the coming days. We will need to step in if you want your plan to continue."

The hooded figure sighed, "I should have ran more tests before deploying Dagan."

"No, this humans thoughts are wandering too much, asking too many questions, its interfering with their link. Their connection will fail and we will be forced to step in if that happens." The woman walked around the tube, staring at her king who never took his eyes off the boy.

"I am fully aware of the consequences. But fear is all that is needed to keep Ryo from questioning the orders he was given." The figure stepped back, "And Dagan is driven by the need to challenge the one he was cloned from. When this boy realizes it can face Godzilla, they will have a common goal."

"You've seen his thoughts? He wants to kill Godzilla? He's a human, don't they all worship him?" The woman asked.

"This one and the other human have a distaste for Godzilla. When I was merging him with Dagan, the thought of Godzilla always brought anger and hate. After I found that connection, it was easy to combine them." The hooded figure kept his eyes on the boy, almost expecting him to open his eyes with how much his face kept squinting.

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