Chapter 33. A Living Nightmare

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Wataru stood beside Adaine in an unfamiliar room.

Maybe a dream, or a memory. Somehow the pilot knew this was inside Adaine's mind, wherever they are, is somewhere in Adaine's mind, that much was certain to the pilot. The dream was like living through a movie he hadn't seen before. He knew about lucid dreaming, being able to control your dreams, but this was different. It was like waking up in a different place.

They stood in a room Wataru didn't recognize, but it was greatly detailed. Having a weird shaped pattern walls colored with a shiny green chrome.

The pilot's feet were unable to move, feeling his legs were being magnetized to the floor. He pulled at his legs, but they were stuck.

He reached out to Adaine, but she was just barely out of touch every time. His fingertips could feel her arms but it wasn't enough to get her attention.

Wataru followed her gaze to a blank screen, or at least it was blank until a figure glitched onto the screen, walking toward the two.

He noticed Adaine quickly kneeling down, and surprisingly looking up at the pilot. She mouthed to get down, but he couldn't tell if she was talking to him or someone else.

Before Wataru could look around the room, the person on the other side of the screen was revealed. A person wearing a massive dark hood, and a blank mask with two dots for eyes, and an almost sad expression, staring directly at the pilot.

Wataru wanted to see if the being was staring at someone else in his spot, but he already knew it was only him and Adaine. The pilot kept staring back at the being in the screen, watching as more details came to light.

The persons mask began to leak a sort of red fluid from its eyes, and mouth. It tilted its head so quickly, it was like the screen glitched for a moment, scaring the pilot.

Something about its sudden movements kept Wataru from looking away

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Something about its sudden movements kept Wataru from looking away.

Adaine tugged at Wataru's pants, "Kneel, now!" She pulled at his pants continuously, as the figure in the screen got closer.

Wataru felt the need to stand his ground, but the room only seemed to get darker. The light from the screen got brighter, while the person on the other side tilted his head to the other side with a sudden crack appearing on his mask.

"I said get down, please!" Adaine cried out, grabbing Wataru's shirt but he still couldn't move, his feet were stuck. Even if he wanted to fall back to sit down, every little move seemed to send Wataru further into a well of fear.

He clenched his fists, trying to keep eye contact with the person, yet he felt his life was going to end if he didn't look away.

Again the crack on the mask spread a little further, chipping off a piece as the figure stepped closer, placing a red boney skinless hand with pointed black fingers on the screen.

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