Chapter 25.

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Oblivion slowly looked over his shoulder, getting chills sent up his spine... or maybe that was Harvester moving around in his body. Either way, they were going to need to focus, now feeling the rage that came with a bright blue glow in the depths of the ocean.

Oblivion turned his back to Mothra, stepping through the city, hearing the goddess flap her wings. The kaiju's tail slashed at the Titan, cutting one of her wings in half, leaving the goddess in a panic as she knew that was a dumb move. She could only defend Rodan and herself.

Oblivion's tail swayed back forth, whipping through the air as this was the moment he knew would come. He just wished it was in a bigger area. Everything here was dead or dying, he just needed to finish off the Titans and he could have been on his way.

Oblivions left eye twitched with thousands of pupils filling in his head. He shook away the strange sensation with Harvester modifying his body from the inside. It made him feel like he was no longer alone on this planet. His only other ally was on the moon, and the time wasn't right for him to come down yet.

Oblivions attention to space was disrupted by his opponent. He couldn't wait, watching two dorsal fins protrude from the ocean, heading right for him.

Oblivions many pupils analyzed this creature, knowing this wasn't the one he was sensing. Then where was he?

Godzilla launched out of the ocean, flashing with a raging blue aura around his spines and eyes, clawing Oblivion across the face, spinning around and bringing his tail right onto the kaiju, sending him crashing back into the city.

Behind Godzilla, Zilla emerged from the ocean, staying out of the kings path and heading directly toward the two wounded Titans.

The massive lizard approached the two, quickly leaning down and letting Mothra climb aboard his back.

Rodan snapped from his fear, ramming his head forward and rolling onto his feet, easily dwarfing Zilla with his wings. He felt weak being attacked by such a creature.

Zilla stepped aside, watching as Rodan climbed the volcano before flapping his wings and heading off toward the kaiju.

Godzilla noted Rodan, quickly grabbing Oblivions tail pulling it as far as it could stretch. Rodan swooped down, getting the kaiju's tail in his talons and taking off toward the sky, tearing off Oblivions tail.

The kaiju roared as the pain was erased from his senses, letting Oblivion ignore his lost limb and quickly roll from Godzilla's grasp.

The kaiju formed a bladed shard of red in his hands. Harvester took control of Oblivions arm and aimlessly launched the shard toward Rodan.

Godzilla tackled the kaiju, full of rage from the countless dead that now stood before him.

Oblivion watched Godzilla's movements while Harvesters eyes watched the shard strike Rodans wings but splattering instead of piercing the Titans magma like hide.

Harvester now had to wait, putting its focus on Godzilla and letting Oblivion do as he wanted.

Without warning, Godzilla roared with an explosion leaving his mouth, firing off his deadliest weapon into Oblivions face.

The kaiju shielded himself with his armor, spiraling around yet still getting burned alive. Oblivion fell forward onto all fours and took off into a run, going around the city as Godzilla's atomic breath was unleashed yet again, nearly burning the kaiju's hind legs.

Oblivion smirked, before speeding directly into Zilla, knowing this one would be easier to devour.

From his right, Mothra landed on the kaiju's back, pulling Oblivions head to the side and leading the kaiju directly into the side of the volcano.

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