Chapter 51. Absent Minded

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The group was speechless, seeing this thing watch them while being so close. Its entire form was absent from their sight, but it was clear as could be, standing right behind Jay.

Daniel's paused the recording, "What the hell is that!?"

Pentecost grabbed the keyboard and began rewinding the footage, seeing the thing had been there when he was talking to Jay and Adaine before they departed. The director struggled to accept that it had been with them the entire time, never moving as it waited beside Jay.

"Sir," Yumi said as the footage began going back once more. Pentecost continued to watch the recording, following Jay with the cameras. The humanoid seemed to follow him around without a single person acknowledging it.

"Sir," Yumi stepped up to Pentecost, "Sir, we need to see where that thing is at right now."

Pentecost pressed the arrow key; the recording went back hours as he searched for Jay. This thing never left his side. Even in the hallways, it had to hunch over just to follow the pilot, but it remained unseen by everyone. It even stood outside Jay's room, seemingly following the pilots' position while the door was closed.

"Sir!" Emi shouted, getting the director's attention, snapping him from his denial, "What?!"

Yumi and Emi got closer, watching as Adaine fell to the floor. Mack picked up Jay, while Wataru lifted Adaine, both heading into the base while the creature followed.

Pentecost snapped his fingers, "Follow it!"

Daniel's forwarded the footage, watching the thing stay behind the group as Jay and Adaine were placed on stretchers and pushed down the hall. The thing knelt over, keeping its distance.

Yumi gestured to the screens, "We need to find where it is now."

"If that thing is following Jay. Then it must be inside... the infirmary," Yumi looked to her twin, "We need to warn them!"

"No!" Pentecost said, "Hold on, we need to confirm that first. It could be outside in the hall, waiting for Jay.... or-" the second guard slowly turned to Pentecost, cautiously turning his monitor to the director, "Sir?"

All eyes watched the screen, seeing the entrance of the control room, and the creature staring in at them with that ferocious grin.

Pentecost pushed the twins behind him as he stared at the doors, unable to see it, "It's outside this room," he murmured; sending chills through the twins. Pentecost looked to the guards, "Slowly arm yourselves. We don't want to start a panic."

The guards drew their weapons, holding them in their laps as they tried not to look suspicious to the others.

Another worker walked into the room without acknowledging the thing.

Pentecost placed his hand on Daniels shoulder, "Is that camera live? Is it outside right now?"

"It is sir, that thing is right there," he gestured to the doors, "How should we proceed with this?"

Yumi stepped past Pentecost, "Don't you think it would have hurt us by now?"

Emi grabbed her sister's hand, "Hey, hold on." Emi pointed to the screen, "Is that Kujo?"

The twins and Pentecost glanced to the screen, watching as Kujo was walking toward the creature with his head down, heading right to the creature.

The thing's head quickly snapped to the side, focusing on Kujo as he bumped into it.

The pilot fell back, hitting his head against the floor; hard enough to cause Kujo to slowly lift his head. He felt a headache growing but something else he noticed was what he just touched. He felt heat... and leathery, something strange that he bumped into. His head whipped up, staring at the nothingness before him. The creature flinched, revealing itself to the pilot, seemingly appearing in his presence while the others in the hall walking by just looked at the pilot.

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