Chapter 23.

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From the Outpost in Brazil across the continent to the Outpost in Peru, Oblivion never lost track of his next target, making a direct route to his prey. Trampling all in his path, knowing it would be a matter of time before he was hunted down. But until then, he had no reason to stop, no reason to slow down.

This planets oxygen was so clean, and the gravity made him feel as if half his weight had nearly dropped. It was exhilarating to prove itself, showing its superiors how useful it could be; glancing to the moon. The other one that came down with him was waiting up there, watching Oblivions every move whilst watching the enemy cross the sea to reach the unknown kaiju.

Oblivion's attention was brought to the Andes Mountains, knowing another Titan was nearby. This one was much closer, able to smell it as if it was... above the surface.

The kaiju began to slow down enough to push itself up onto its hind legs, now taking off into a full sprint as fast as it's legs could carry it.

The closest humans froze in place at the sound of the thundering footsteps, they were loud and heavy. The speed behind every step hammering into the ground was enough to make anyone question if the kaiju was heading their way. It's speed alone led the question, how as it so fast for such a massive beast? Oblivion traveled miles in minutes, no longer needing to breath manually as the thing residing in it's body kept the kaiju's lungs from running out of oxygen.

As Oblivion reached the beginning of the mountains, it rammed its right foot down and leaped forward, spiraling into a ball and smashing through the nearest mountain. The kaiju landed on its feet, sprinting even fast along the side of the mountain up stream of a river.

On lookers were blown away quite literally as the kaiju bolted passed them, leaving behind its footprints and chaos wherever it traveled.

Oblivion sniffed the air once again, following the scent of the creature that hid in these mountains. Machu Pichu is a beautiful place to all who laid their eyes on it, yet Oblivion simply ignored the beauty of this world, seeking out the next Titan.

A few minutes of following the creatures scent, and Oblivion was able to find another research Outpost. The kaiju was welcomed with immediate action, having the entire base unload all it could onto the hunter with extreme force.

Oblivion didn't have to search this time, easily sensing the Titans presence right under the layer of rock under the base. The mountain the base rested on had reached over the Titans location, almost going unnoticed with mother nature covering the animal with trees and patches of grass.

Oblivions heart was racing too fast, its claws fidgeting as it wanted to see how tough these Titans were. The kaiju flicked its head down in a flash, breaking its jaws open and letting the red flesh ooze from its throat and gills. The red bubbling mass flattened itself, stitching itself to Oblivions scales.

The kaiju saw it had a good distance away from the base, causing its hands to twitch with more excitement. It inhaled before shooting off into a sprint, running down the river stream, taking on all weapons with ease.

As it approached the Titan, the kaiju leaped forward; kicking its foot right through the mountain and obliterating the entire Monarch Outpost.

The mountain exploded from the other side, crumbling into a crevasse with the Titan's corpse crashing into the ground, mutilated and contorted beyond any recognizable figure. The body was that of a massive serpent laying in a pile of dead soldier, scientist, engineers and the shattered remains of the Outpost and the mountain, it was Titanus Quetzalcoatl.

Oblivion grabbed the Titans throat, lifting up as the bodies and rock fell to the kaiju's feet. The red flesh tore itself away form Oblivions scales, merging back into a single entity and spiraling around the kaiju's arm.

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