Chapter 2.

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- Outside of Kiryu. -

I was suiting up, getting ready once again to go into a Jaeger, my very own Jaeger, Kiryu.

The suit was much different than the others, this one felt like it wasn't there. The other suits felt like armor, much heavier with a little loss of mobility.

The black design with the blue-lined markings also made it stand out, it seemed to light up with my pulse.

The next thing that caught my eye was a few holes that went alongside my arms and legs. I even noticed a few holes that went alongside my spine.

The room I was getting dressed in, felt like my cell, it was puny and enclosed.

I stretched as I got used to my suit.

Someone knocked on the door, "You doing alright in there?" Erika asked.

I stood by the door, letting it open to reveal Erika leaning against the wall next to the door.

"I'm ready," I said as I stretched once more.

We walked to a platform that extended outwards to the back of Kiryu. Rails were on each side so we didn't fall off but still didn't help my stomach with the heights.

I noticed Erika wasn't following me, I looked back to see she had stopped before reaching the platform. "Go on." She gestured with a nod towards the Jaeger. "Kazunari is in there with a team. They'll set you up."

I nodded to her before continuing, my heart was racing so fast I felt like I might faint. This was a training exercise and a test.

I walked into the door on Kiryu's upper back, revealing a large room that looked nothing like a Jaegers conn-pod. No controls, no foot handles, not even a view of the hangar. It was just a blank room with some open ceiling panels revealing the wiring in Kiryu.

Standing near the center of the room was Kazunari and a group of scientists and doctors. No one said anything except Kazunari, "How do you feel?"

I shrugged, "I might faint."

He smirked, "If you would please step into the circle, we can begin."

A thin-lined circle appeared on the floor, glowing as I stepped onto it.

The doctors stepped forward, all holding needles, "Hold still." One of them said.

"Woah!" I pushed the closest one away. "What are you doing?"

"I warned you. Kiryu is one of a kind, you are gonna feel like you are Kiryu. Your body will operate every piece of hardware on this mech. Now hold still so we can get this started. A Kaiju can appear any moment now and we need to see if Kiryu works." Kazunari spoke with a solid tone in his voice.

I thought about it for a second, giving off a quick sigh before putting my arms down.

"These are anesthetics, they will help with the next part but you'll most likely still feel some kick." A doctor said.

Through the holes in my suit, they injected me with their pain killers.

Instantly the nearest scientist, who happened to be the only one not wearing a lab coat, started typing on his tablet.

From above, a bunch of thin wires began to descend all around me.

I nearly fell back as the painkillers made my knees weak. "Oh shit."

A doctor behind me kept me from falling over, "We got you, we are almost done."

I tried to stay standing as everyone except Kazunari began to implant metal tubs in my arms.

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