Chapter 46. Preparation

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Hours had passed with every Jaeger resting inside the Shatter-Dome. With Adaine's help, the metal and the power cores were augmented into four of the Jaegers, bringing the mechs to life and repairing the damages.

Gigan was the next to be repaired. Gypsy Danger was able to remove the shard embedded in the kaiju's chest, allowing the monster to heal.

The Jaeger held the arm of the monster in place, letting the healing process start, restitching the appendage.

Adaine showed the pilots, Newt and Hermann how her ship functioned, able to beam up or drop off monsters or Jaegers in the span of seconds.

With 22 hours until the next attack, Nick Tatopoulos returned to the base with Moto. The pilots welcomed the doctor back, and Jay was reunited with his brother again.


Jay stood in the control room with the pilots, listening to Pentecost argue with the council for the third time in the last few hours.

After Dagan's assault on Hong Kong, the millions of people who lived in the city were left homeless, leaving the government with more problems than they could handle.

After showing the results, Kiryu was deemed necessary and allowed to remain on the terms that Jay holds complete control over the Titan, to assist or even lead the attack on the coming threats.

After an hour of explaining what Adaine was and what she wanted, she was asked to be monitored, which Pentecost had already agreed to. He stood his ground, informing the council of her use of the Apex project, and the results she showed.

With Nick's sudden arrival and his news on the Titans he had awakened, the Earth's defenses were growing in numbers, but there was a major issue Pentecost had to bring up.

"If he is going to be precise, our enemy will be returning in less than 22 hours. The jaegers are being restored, however, they might not be ready for piloting in time," Pentecost was met with the council questioning what they could do.

"Adaine has informed you of what we are going to be dealing with, and with the ships, we were given, it's safe to assume we can strategically move several of the Titans into place to counter these... cyborgs." Pentecost cleared his throat, "I was told the Apex project might be of use to us before the jaegers are fully functional. With Jay and Adaine able to control Kiryu and Gigan, we have multiple Titans ready to fight."

"And Godzilla?" One of the men asked.

Pentecost looked to Nick, letting the doctor speak, "Monarch is currently tracking his location. If Adaine's ship can truly move these Titans around as she claims, then we can move him into position."

Adaine eyed the doctor, "My ships can move those damn Titans." She grumbled to herself, leading Wataru to place a hand on her shoulder, calming her down.

"Give us a headcount."

Nick started counting in his head, "We currently have five Titans."

"Does that list include..." the councilmen checked his notes, reading the name out loud, "Wait, Monarch lost track of this... Rodan?"

Adaine stepped up, "Sir, we are currently holding Rodan and Zilla. It seems they were being held while Jay and Godzilla dealt with the threat in Hong Kong."

The council went quiet, leading Adaine to step back, "Sorry, I spoke out of turn."

"If her ship can contain two Titans at once, I'm confident we can easily transfer other Titans to combat these remaining threats." Pentecost spoke aloud, "If we must, I will have Gypsy Danger and Marauder Vortex ready to engage in combat."

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