Chapter 30.

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- The next day -

Shobi stood beside Wataru, Teruo and the research team while  listened in on the conversation between Pentecost and the pilots of Gypsy Danger. From what they heard so far, a category three kaiju had made it through the breach but it was quickly killed. What surprised everyone there was that the kaiju in question was killed by Jay a month ago.

Pentecost examined the radar closely, listening in as Gypsy walked through across the ocean floor, approaching where the breach had always been. "Sir, there's nothing here. The Breach is gone." Raleigh said.

"What about the kaiju?"

"It's dead." Mako responded, "The kaiju blue is the only thing left of its corpse."

"The radar picked up multiple signatures. Investigate the perimeter."

"Yessir." Raleigh responded.


Gypsy Danger scanned the area, trying to find some kind of life that posed a threat. The lights from its shoulders easily lit the ocean floor, seeing only the submarine volcanoes venting out the exhaust from the earths core.

Something big could easily hide here, but if both the jaeger and the radar weren't picking up anything, then there was nothing to hide from right?

"Sir, if there was a kaiju here, we would detect it." Raleigh said while Gypsy Danger walked around with its guard up, ready to take down any foe that stood in their path.

Mako checked their readings again, seeing nothing out there but the sea life. "I don't think there's anything here."

The pilots were met with a sigh, "Alright. Return to base. We are-"

Raleigh and Mako were cut off from their superior, hearing sudden static filling their ears.

Gypsy Danger looked back toward a glowing bright orange light with a dark blue hue shining from between the plates.

Raleigh and Mako glanced to each other as if to question if either one of them was seeing this. The two took off toward the edge of the tectonic plate, stopping before they reached the opening.

The pilots looked down toward the opening breach, horrified to witness five kaiju trying to reach through the portal. The breach was significantly smaller than the last time they had seen the portal, but it was clearly still big enough to let out a single kaiju.

"Sir! We have a problem!!!"

Gypsy Danger shot out one of its blades while the other hand formed shifted into a plasma cannon. Being in each others head, the pilots felt their hearts starting to race, not with fear, but adrenaline.

Mako and Raleigh readied themselves for the monsters wrestling to get free, but were surprised to see the portal disperse quickly, slicing off the fingers of a kaiju that thought it could keep the portal open.

"Gypsy! Can you hear me?!" Pentecost asked frantically.

"Sir, we have a major problem on our hands," Raleigh yelled out, "The breach is open again, and there are more than a few trying to get through."

"But the breach isn't staying open for long, that's why we thought the radar was glitching, the breach isn't staying open." Mako said as they stood back, watching as very small sparks of light continued to lash out until it stopped completely.

"I'm gonna need you to hold your position!" Pentecost ordered.


"Roughly 13 hours after it reopened," Newton said as Hermann took down some notes.

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