Chapter 12.

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- 3rd person point of view. -

"Yea, I said the same thing too. We think it might be a malfunction but there's no doubt something is out there besides that Kaiju."

"Do you know what category it is?" Jay asked.

"Yes, it's a category 3." Komada responded.

Jay looked to Adaine, she knew he was going to ask about the Kaiju, she just looked back at him and shook her head. It wasn't time for the bigger threats to arrive, not yet.

"Do you really think it's Obsidian Fury?" Shobi asked over Jay's shoulder.

"I don't know, but if it is. I really hope those kids are still in there, so we can give them a -" He stopped to think about what he was saying, "-a proper burial....."

The elevator door opened.

The group rushed through the hallway, heading to the control room.

Inside, Pentecost stood in front of the radar,  watching as a red icon headed towards us.

He looked over his shoulder, "Mr.Nakajima, have you straightened out?" He asked.

Before Jay spoke, Moto stepped in front of him, "We are good sir."

Pentecost looked at them, raising an eyebrow, "This better not be a ruse."

"It isn't Sir. He's my brother and nothings changing that. I do apologize for my actions." Jay looked out the side window of the control room, seeing Cherno Alpha and Royal Monarch get activated, "Sir, can I ask why you are deploying two Jaegers?"

"Yea, a category 3 seems like a job for only one Jaeger." Shobi said.

Pentecost stepped aside, letting us see the entire radar, "Take a closer look."

Everyone looked at the green and red dot. The green being Obsidian Fury and the red being the Kaiju. Before anyone could ask what they were supposed to be looking for, the green dot flashed red for a second.

"Did you see it?" Pentecost asked. "The readings keep changing."

Jay looked out the windows to his left, seeing Cherno Alpha getting lifted by a squad of helicopters.

"They've already been informed. After they terminate the Kaiju, both Cherno Alpha and Royal Monarch will either retrieve Obsidian Fury..... or destroy it."

"Hold on! You aren't even going to see if Ryo or Shoichi are alive in there?!" Wataru asked, "They could still be alive in there!"

"It's been a month since they were taken....." Jays stomach clenched up as he finished that sentence.

Everyone remained quiet.

Pentecost sighed, watching as Cherno Alpha was nearly out of the Shatter-Dome completely. He returned to the microphone; looking at the radar.

"Sir, why did you call us here?" Shobi asked.

"I need you all here as a precaution." He responded. "Plus it's an opportunity to learn."

"But why send out Ford and Elle?" Wataru questioned.

Before Pentecost could answer, the radar beeped, showing the category 3 Kaiju was getting closer. He went to the intercom, "Cherno Alpha, the Kaiju is three miles out from the bay."

"Copy that." Sasha responded.

- With Cherno Alpha and Royal Monarch. -

The squadron of choppers unhooked the Jaegers into the ocean. Both mechs splashed into the water, landing before looking out into the sea.

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