Chapter 1.

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I sit here in my tiny ass cell, tapping my foot against the floor. I stood up and walked to the door, looking out the small window they gave me so I can watch people go about their day.

Every so often I'd have visitors like Erika, or other Jaeger pilots. They cheered for me and bombarded me with questions, asking me how it felt to go out into battle alone.

I explained that it was difficult, my body felt like it was being weighed down with extreme force. After every adrenaline rush, I was hit with a headache that came and went within a matter of seconds but hit like a truck.

They asked how it felt to fight a Kaiju, I told them they better be prepared for the worst. Anything could happen in a fight with a monster that doesn't need weapons to kill.

There were 20 pilots in total, 8 were professional and the other 12 were in training.
Now there were 7 pilots in training because 5 had lost their nerve to fight, 4 professionals were in the morgue, and 2 were in the hospital. The last two professionals were on the other side of the planet doing who knows what.

For 14 days I waited in this cell. Waiting for someone other than friends and family to say I did well. Waited for a government official to acknowledge what I did.

It was cool seeing other Jaeger pilots praise my actions but that felt kind of expected. Erika was just glad I was alright, since I was just in a holding cell on the base, she would sit by the cell and talk to me. It helped the time go by faster but I felt like I was wasting time in here.

Today she hasn't visited, or at least not yet. There's no clock outside the cell across the hallway. There's no window so I can see what time of day it is.

There's just a light in my cell that never turns off, a toilet that looks older than time itself, a sink that looks brand new, and a bed that's surprisingly better than the one in my room.

I looked through the window on the door, seeing someone turn the corner down the hallway. A woman in a white slick dress held something in her right hand.

Running up from behind her was Erika, I could hear her yelling something at the lady in the white dress but she was too far away. When they got closer, I realized they were speaking Chinese.

The woman in the white dress, came to a halt in front of the door, staring at me. She began to speak in Chinese.

I just stood there and listened for about a good long minute before she stopped and just stared at me. She raised a brow, "You don't speak Chinese do you?"

I looked to Erika who rolled her eyes before walking to the door and unlocking it with a card key. "She says you lo-"

The woman held her hand up, "I'll speak for myself."

After getting a good look at her, I realized she was Liwen Shao, head of Shao Industries. She and my father had met a few years back to talk about possible replacements for my father's Jaeger.

"Ms.Shao, I remember you. Did you come to me so you can buy my father's Jaeger?"

Shao looked to Erika, "I never intended to buy your father's Jaeger, I wanted to study it. Maximus (the name of my fathers Jaeger) had a unique -"

"I don't care. What are you here for?" I asked.

Erika pushed my shoulder, "Don't be rude, she got you out of here and has something to offer you."

Now I was the one who had his eyebrow raised, "What?"

"I was a huge fan of Maximus and its pilots. I wanted to see if we could pilot the Jaegers from the base so no lives would be lost in the battle. But I soon realized that wasn't possible, so I began working on a one-pilot Jaeger. I believe I've finally created one that works without any drawbacks."

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