Chapter 66. Disaster

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- Earlier -

"Come on! I have to get down there," Jay stressed almost like an impatient child, "They need help!"

"Will you shut up! I'm trying," Adaine stretched out the band and placed it over his head, "Let's see if this works."

Jay waited until the band was activated, yet he still heard Kiryu, "Still isn't working."

Adaine spat on the floor, "Alright, let me try again."

She took the band, taking a quick glance to the fight, "I wonder what Bolo did to get beaten by Kastr?"

"I don't want to think about it. Oblivion seems pretty tough already. So what is Kastr hiding from us? What kind of creature can do that to Bolo and Oblivion?"

"I thought you didn't want to think about it?" Adaine then realized what was wrong with the device, "Jay, come here."

The pilot placed on the headband, "Is it on?"

"The device has always worked, but just listen. Can you hear Kiryu?" Adaine asked.

Jay listened to the voices, "Yes. He's still-"

One by one the screaming crowd of anger slowly began to die down.

"It's working!" Jay yelled excitedly, "Now send me down!"

"Fuckin' piece of crap!" Adaine yelled to herself, "I was making an older model. Taking forever! Damn system sucks!" Adaine rolled her eye, "Why do I feel like I just did what a human would do?"

"Because you are stupid like the rest of us! Now send me down!" Jay practically hopped onto the transporter.

"Thanks, you douche. Now, all the metal in that headband is heat resistant. Even the headband itself can withstand high temperatures. But that doesn't mean you can just light yourself on fire! Got it?!" Adaine casually flicked the button on her device, beaming Jay down.

- Now -

Jay stomped his way toward Monster X, unleashing Kiryu's increasing reserves of power.

Caesar fell on all fours, altering his legs to resemble that of a lion, ready to take off to aid a downed Kong.

As the beam stopped, both Titans could now see Monster X and his armor, burning like embers and smoking all around. It was huffing, having held out its hand to defend itself, but now leaving it with one arm as the strength in its muscles had fled.

It hunched over, seeing its blackened arm dangle by its side.

The eyes in the shoulders watched Kiryu and Caesar, informing the head that it needed to move, before it was forced into action too soon.

It looked down to Kong, seeing a hostage within his grasp. It quickly reached down before another blast was quickly shot between him and the ape.

Monster X growled at Kiryu who was getting closer; his massive tail swaying behind him, almost like it too was waiting to get close.

Monster X could only focus on the heavens. With the clouds getting worse, X made it clear that it's own presence was also the only thing holding back a storm.

But that was it. That was the answer.

Monster X flashed its eyes red, quickly jumping and flying to the sky.

Kiryu let out another beam, nearly striking the kaiju before it reached the clouds.

As Monster X went up, the heavy clouds began to come down, pouring down a wave of rain.

Caesar made it over to Kong, covering the titan, ensuring Kiryu that he would watch Kong.

Kiryu took a final step, standing beside Caesar and looking up to the skies. With the constant barrage of rain, it was almost impossible to see more than a few meters out.

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