Chapter 22.

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- Beyond the moon -

The meteor's path was undetermined with its course, spiraling towards the moon where it would rip a crater right through its surface.

With the moon almost out of the way, the meteor broke apart in two pieces with the bigger piece almost shooting off directly into the moon while the rest of the meteor slowed down until it ceased all movement. It held together with smaller fragments continuing towards Earth.

A large crater full of dust and rock shrouded nearly half of the moon in a silent strike. Flashes of lightening bolts shot out into space until one eventually hit the remaining meteor; sending it spiraling toward Earth.

Only a few minutes traveling from between the moon and Earth was all it took for the broken shard of the meteor to smash right through a satellite. It's speed picking up upon entry to Earths atmosphere.

The rock spiraled even faster, sending off debris and flames until it shot through the layer of clouds.

To everyone down on land, the meteor was nothing more than a ball of fire, lighting the night sky with its sudden appearance and speed.

A trip that would take up to hours or even days only a few minutes. Instantly and easily surviving all the way to Earth. Spiraling toward a small town before its weigh adjusted to one side, redirecting itself off the shore of Brazil.

The meteor's speed drastically slowed before hitting the ocean, still sending out a whirl pool and a tsunami out in every direction. It was almost astonishing to the onlookers who could see this spectacle. The meteor plunged to the depths, leaving a cavity of water that was quickly filled back in and sent violent waves back outwards.

The residents of the city Rio de Janeiro kept their eyes peeled as the waves heading their way had slowly died until they blended in with the rest of the waves against the beach.

On the ocean floor, the meteor was cooling down, still steaming the water around its body until it began to crack apart. The rock broke and dissolved with the waters currents easily flooding the opening spaces of the meteor until an arm broke free, angrily punching its way to freedom before coming back to the meteor and smashing a hole in its side.

A growl escaped the rock as another arm broke out; shattering half of the meteor.

The arms slowed their movement, letting the ocean carry off the broken debris. The thing inside lifted its head, pushing back the rock resting on its head and shoulders.

The creatures body was hidden in the steam, grabbing the rock that still contained the rest of its body.

It grasped the meteor restraining its legs and began to crush the piece between its fingers. The creatures left leg lifted completely, stomping down on the ocean floor and breaking its legs and tail free from the meteor; landing on all fours.

It pushed itself up onto it's strong hind legs, standing tall as it let the ocean cool down its heated body.

Almost the monsters entire body was covered in plates of armor. From the tip of its snout, all the way to it's tail, the monster was layered in a pattern of plated armor. It's right shoulder had taken damage due to the rough landing; the plating barely hanging on to the flesh. The kaiju's left arm lifted up to its right shoulder, ripping off the broken plates, clenching its jaws as it fell over on one knee. It flexed its arm, shrouding it's injury with blood as bone spikes stabbed out as a replacement for protection.

Its jaws opened, breaking a small seal that kept its teeth stitched together, leading the monsters gums to bleed. The kaiju pushed itself up onto its hind legs, standing upright and examining the ocean floor, noting the land to its right was heading upwards, meaning that was its destination.

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