Chapter 63. Collision

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"What did you do?!" Adaine managed to spit out, "Are you out of your fucking mind?! He's going to kill you!"

"Nonsense," Jay squeezed her throat, "We are more than capable of taking his place. He's going to let us down. He's going to die, and leave us to suffer. I can't let that happen."

"What are you talking about?!" She felt his thumb nearly digging into her neck, "Let me go, now!"

"Godzilla will fall, and once that happens, who will be here to stand between the kaiju and humanity? Me!" Jay looked to the three blue glowing fins, "He feels it. He feels our power. We are becoming a threat, and now we are becoming his rival." He dropped Adaine, "I'm going to take his place, and we are going to win this war, as the one at the top of the food chain."

"No-" she rubbed her throat, "You two are fighting for the same thing, you told me you considered Godzilla as a friend!" She got up, "You told me you would be sad if he died!"

"We aren't going to kill him, we are going to make him submit to us," Jay raised his hand, slowing getting Kiryu to move.

Godzilla's fins disappeared under the ocean, quickly exploding from the surface and sending a mountain of water toward the base.

Kiryu's tail lifted, blocking Jay and Adaine as the water came down, splashing into the base.

Kiryu moved out of the way, letting Jay get a good view of the king of the monsters.

Godzilla stood tall, his size lifting even higher. Up close Adaine felt truly insignificant compared to the vast size of the king before her.

Godzilla's glowing dorsal plates flashed up his back in a quick rhythm. His fury shown in the blue light in his eyes. He huffed, blowing smoke from his nostrils.

"Jay, you need to back down before you get Kiryu-" she watched as Godzilla turned away from the red Titan, glaring down at Jay.

Adaine nearly crumbled to the floor, shaking as she stood in his line of sight, "You need to stop this! He's going to kill you, and you aren't invincible without Kiryu!" The Xilien heard the growing hum of the power she feared would be aimed toward her. She ran over to Jay, "Damn it! Jay! You aren't the one doing this! This is Kiryu poisoning your mind! He wanted me gone so he could have you for himself! And now you are about to perish because of it!"

Godzilla took another stomp toward the pilot, inhaling.

Adaine trembled, "I'm so sorry about this!" She grabbed Jays head, forcing her will into his thoughts.

The pilot screamed out as did Kiryu, screeching as he marched out into the ocean and fell forward, splashing beside Godzilla.

The king's glow stopped immediately but he continued to fill his lungs.

Jay fell to his knees, unable to see Adaine clearly, "What am I doing out here?"

Jay then realized he was standing in the shadow of Godzilla. Every thought in the pilots mind seemed to vanish as he could only try and comprehend why he was standing in the kings presence.

Godzilla stopped inhaling before lashing his head forward. The ear splitting, mountain-shaking roar deafened the two ants before him.

Jay felt something within crush as he was unable to breathe, he choked as he felt something going down from his ears.

Adaine and Jay could barely think of covering their ears while staring into the jaws of a Titan.

Godzilla's roar came to a stop, leaving Jay and Adaine on the floor with their ears ringing and their lungs crushed.

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