Chapter 21.

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- Just outside the ShatterDome -

Nick sat on the edge of the base, typing away as Newton stood a few feet away, watching as Zilla placed another piece of Kiryu's armor onto the Shatter-Dome's docks.

"So I take it you've never seen a Titan up close before?" Nick asked as he analyzed Kiryu's dorsal fins. He then typed down some notes, or more specifically, the details he had noticed earlier.

"Titans? Is that what you, or Monarch calls them?" Newton stepped closer to the edge before Zilla splashed back into the water. His two biggest dorsal fins tore through the ocean, before going under.

"Yea, Monarch use to call them kaiju but we felt that needed to change, seeing how these kaiju are more animal than monster. The scariest Titan is right there but look at him, keeping an eye on Kiryu. Making sure his territory isn't being threatened." Nick grabbed the towel that had been placed next to him, wiping away some of the water from his hair before going back to his tablet.

"What about her?" Newt asked as Zilla quickly returned, placing a metal plate of armor and one of Kiryu's hands close to their positions.

"Mosura? She's very calm when it comes to us humans, but she gets a little agitated when a kaiju visits us. Apparently Kiryu here is worth keeping alive. I don't know what'll happen when she leaves or if she leaves, but hopefully Godzilla gets the message that we still need Kiryu." Nick waved his hand over to Zilla, getting the Titans attention.

"And him? Why does he listen to you?" Newt asked as he began to back away while Zilla approached the doctor.

"Heh, that's kind of a long story. But he sees me as a father figure. He's never hurt me, or anyone else. He seems to know that he needs to stay out of the way when other Titans are around." Nick placed down his tablet and stood up, stretching as Zilla went under water.

The two men watched his dorsal fins get closer until Zilla stopped just a few meters away from the docks. It raised its head up to Nick, barely placing its chin on the ground.

Newton's gaze was that of a young child, seeing this massive creature acting like a well trained guard dog. He nearly panicked as Nick laid a hand on Zilla's chin, "I can assure you, he's quite friendly. You can come pet him if you would like."

Newton took a step back but slipped on a puddle of water, catching the eyes of the Titan.

Zilla moved over, eyeing down Newton who froze in place. Newton couldn't even breathe in as the Titans eyes were focused on him.

"Hey. Over here." Nick waved to the Titan, returning his gaze back on his father.

Nick pointed out to the water, "Go, find more parts."

Zilla slowly stepped back, submerging itself until it's head was barely revealed in the waves, leaving the men alone.

"You okay over there?" Nick smiled as he made his way over to Newton. The man laid there in the puddle while still shaking, "I think I peed myself."

"I think that's just the water seeping into your pants." Nick held his hand out to the man.

Newt slowly leaned up, "No, I mean I'm pretty sure I did pee my pants." He grabbed Nicks hand; getting pulled up to his feet. He looked down at his pants, seeing they were mostly wet, "I think I'm going to go change." Newt slowly turned away, and headed back inside.

Nick smirked as he turned back to the ocean, watching Zilla retrieve and place a small metal dorsal fin next to the other parts that were retrieved.

The doctor picked up his tablet, and sitting back in his original spot.

He then took a few pictures of the Titans. Zooming in on Kiryu's rough mutated skin, and then snapped a picture of his glowing scorched dorsal fins. "Fascinating." He then zoomed out, getting a picture of Mothra who was still resting on Kiryu's back. The giant moth and her wings had spread out completely over Kiryu's body above the ocean surface, still slightly glowing while Kiryu continued to heal and mutate it's flesh into hardened dark red scales.

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