Chapter 75. The Entrance

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Wataru sat against a smashed control panel, thinking about the future and his life choices. The many roads he took just to land where he sat right at this very moment.

So many unfulfilled promises and dreams, all fueled by a need to do more in life than just watch the war go on. So many of his friends had died. His brother in arms had died and left him to contemplate the remainder of his life. He wanted to let the tears flow, yet he felt he didn't have anymore. After the fighting, he would simply go home and tell the tale of his friends he lost, and the girl he met from another world.

The pilot sighed, leaning his head back and seeing Jay check on the progress of his healing eye. He tied the strip back over the wound, shivering at the thought that he could put his fingers into his own head. He scratched his head, feeling itchy all over, "Ah, damn it I hate that feeling."

"What feeling?" Mack asked from the void, followed by Gage, "Also how much longer til we get there?"

"A couple of minutes. Putting the ship on autopilot slows down the trip but it's also the quickest since it's literally a straight shot around the globe," Wataru mentioned, "And I was talking to Jay, he's acting weird."

"Again?" Mack questioned, "What now?"

"What do you mean 'again'? What the hell does that mean?" Jay nearly smirked.

"It means you are constantly weird!" Gage responded with a laugh, "So what weird thing did you do now?"

"I shivered. Lose an eye and then try not to get goosebumps at the thought that you have a hole in your face," Jay said as the brothers both let out a loud yell, "Lalalala, can't hear you!"

"Aw man, why did you put that image in our head," Mack questioned as both Jay and Wataru could hear tapping on Mack's helmet, "I'm gonna poke you in your one good eye when this is over."

"We should beat him up," Gage nudged Mack.

"If you do that, the twins will kick you guys in the ass," Wataru tried to joke, hearing a single 'heh' from the brothers.

"I'll take that pity laugh," Wataru patted his leg, "Damn this burns."

"Then don't touch it," Jay glanced to Adaine, "Y'know, we changed ships, so why did you tell Pentecost to leave Adaine here?"

"I'm still holding out hope that she's alive," Wataru kept his eyes off her, "It doesn't feel right in the world that I've lost so many people."

Jay almost objected to this belief but, he understood. He nodded, "I hope she's alive too. Maybe we can get her to a hospital after this."

"I don't want to put you down. But what will you do if she's gone?" Mack asked, followed by what Jay and Wataru thought was a smack.

"Dude, come on man," Gage said, confirming to the other two that what they indeed heard, was a smack.

"What? We are both thinking it. I'm just trying to prepare him for the worst," Mack told Gage, but wanted Wataru to think about it.

"If Adaine is gone, then I'll move on. I'll ask her to be buried like any other human. I'll get her a tombstone and visit her. Maybe leave some flowers on her grave, along with Teruo.... and the others." Wataru thought about actually planning out his days, visiting those who have come to pass.

Jay placed a hand on Wataru's shoulder, "Hey, give me your address when we are done here. I'll go visit you... me and Yumi... er uh... I mean just me."

"Don't worry. You can bring Yumi," Wataru jabbed at Jays leg, "I know you are trying to spare my feelings. I appreciate it. I appreciate all of you for being straight with me."

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