Chapter 67. A True Juggernaut

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Oblivion ran through the island, sprinting toward the glowing blue light.

The storm had calmed a little and yet, even through the scent of rain, oblivion could smell that atomic energy. It was so distinct, so pure in power, there was no doubt it was coming from him.

Catching up rapidly, Caesar chased down Oblivion, wanting to stop the kaiju before it could engage in its next fight.

Oblivion noticed the golem, trying to reach him. Bolo sighed within, just wishing to fight one on one. Yet these were just animals, unable to understand this simple concept.

Bolo was tired of this nonsense, he just wanted to fight. He was heading toward one of Kastr's biggest threats on this planet. Oblivion had faced this enemy before, but now with Bolo in control, now facing two targets, Bolo could only feel slightly relieved that he would get a worthy fight.

Oblivion picked up the pace, hearing Caesars booming steps still following.

Over the upcoming large hill, the last mound which separated kaiju from Titan, Oblivion could feel the radiating power getting stronger. The kaiju stomped one last time on the ground, diving over the mound and rolling onto its back before getting to its feet.

Breathing heavily, Oblivion stood tall, stretching out back and flexed his muscles. He faced the alpha Titan of this planet; glaring back at Godzilla who was glowing a steady mighty pattern of atomic energy flaring mostly from his dorsal plates, and even his eyes.

Oblivion then noticed slightly hiding behind Godzilla, was Titanosaurus.

The running golem slowed its running until it was merely stepping over the hill. Standing ready to fight, having no need to inhale or breathe with it's temporary beating heart.

Even Zilla had made its way to the fight, having healed from its ordeal with Monster X.

Oblivion was surrounded by titans, and the only thing he and Bolo could do, was accept this is their final battle.

Godzilla didn't even need to power up, instead inhaling in a split second before firing off his atomic breath.

Oblivion flung the shard at Godzilla, blocking the blast long enough for the kaiju to spiral around and counter Caesar who had jumped down to tackle to monster.

Oblivion threw the golem aside, raising its arm which was bitten by Zilla.

The small Titan held on as Titanosaurus charged in, grabbing Oblivions other arm and biting down on the kaiju's neck.

Oblivion roared out, punching Titanosaurus off and then swinging Zilla aside.

Instantly Godzilla rammed into Oblivions chest, throwing him back and again, blasting another beam of blue energy at the kaiju.

Oblivion was sent flying back into the hill, crashing through it and stumbling onto all fours.

The beam burned at Oblivions side, turning his gills ablaze.

Oblivion pushed himself up, snatching up an embedded rock from the soil and tossing it at Godzilla.

The Titan swatted the rock away with his tail, building up his energy before firing again.

Oblivion dodged the beam, feeling the heat steaming up the falling rain from his body.

Again Caesar ran in, going toe to toe with the kaiju. But Oblivion used his anger to lift the golem off the ground and used his as a shield.

Godzilla stopped his attack, marching in to separate the two.

Caesars feet dig into the ground, pushing back with all his strength, forcing Oblivion stab his tail in the ground and push back.

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