Chapter 26.

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- The Shatter-Dome infirmary -

Jay rested in the bed next to the first he had broken when his body rejected the sedative.

The doctors and nurses were cautious with the pilot, even with two days of no activity, they feared he would repeat the process over again and break free. Even the guards had doubts about the pilot and his outbursts. The pilot was left to rest without handcuffs holding him to the bed, but nearly double the guards stood in the room around his bed.

Sitting just outside the curtains that hid Jay from everyone else was Moto, snoring while starting to drool.

A nurse slowly lifted his head and put a small pillow between the young boys head and the wall. Moto snored and adjusted himself, crossing his arms and falling into deep sleep once again.


Shobi and Teruo stood behind Pentecost and Tatopoulos as he talked to the united world council, multiple screens filled with the worlds leaders in front of the two men.

"Monarch has lost four Outposts, more than 2,500 staff, and three Titans were found deceased. From what we know so far, the Titan from our containment facility on Isla de Mara has been tracking down the codenamed 'Titan Hunter' along with my friend, Zilla. We have footage from a surviving camera from the outpost..." Nick looked to Pentecost who played a recording.

One of the screens changed, revealing Oblivion running into the ocean with Rodan and Zilla pursuing the kaiju.

The screen then returned back to one of the council members.

"Thank you for the details doctor, but why did you call us here? The world funds you jaegers to take these things down, so what do you have planned to deal with this threat?"

"You saw the footage. The titans are hunting down this kaiju. They are actively working together to get rid of this intruder. He was forced to retreat because he was outmatched." Nick sighed, "Monarch planned on letting the Titans sleep, so we can study them. But after that thing landed here, he successfully tracked down and murdered three titans in less than 12 hours."

"Before you continue, how long has it been since we saw that footage?"

Nick checked his watch, "It's been about two hours since Rodan, Zilla, and Godzilla chased off the kaiju."

"Pentecost, are these... titans... are they still tracking down the threat?"

Pentecost cleared his throat, "Yessir. Currently the kaiju has stayed away from land. We think he might be trying to come up with a plan."

"You say that like this kaiju can think like we can. What makes you so sure its coming up with a plan?"

"We have proof this kaiju can think. A report came in from a survivor in Peru, they said the kaiju was smelling around, searching for his next target. The kaiju was seen looking out toward Skull Island." Nick held his hands behind his back, trying to remain as cool as Pentecost. These were the world leaders, he had to show he represented Monarch to the best of his ability. They had placed their trust in him to argue his point.

"Skull Island houses an already awakened Titan, right?"

"Yes. He has shown no signs of leaving that island, however, he was also spotted looking out toward Peru. It's as if he knew what was happening..." Nick exhaled from his nose, "My point in sharing these details is to ask you one question, can Monarch awaken the Titans?" Before he could get a response, he continued quickly, "Currently there are four Titans already awake, Rodan, Zilla, Godzilla, and Kong. There was a fifth but I was informed that Titanus Mosura perished. Monarch has done their homework and we believe at least two specific Titans can be awakened that could benefit mankind."

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