Chapter 59. Departure

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Moto ran down the hall, almost sliding but catching himself against the wall, slowing down a moment so he could almost fly into the door of the control room. He nearly bumped into Pentecost; speaking with a group of five people. All of them acknowledged the boy before the director did. He continued to speak, even as he turned to Moto who was catching his breath.

Pentecost held a finger up to the boy, turning back to the others, leaving Moto to wait for minutes while Pentecost assigned those five around the base.

Moto stood aside as he waited, realizing he was almost blocking the entrance to the room. He leaned against the wall, tapping his foot; crossing his arm, almost whistling but keeping quiet.

About five minutes went by until Pentecost finished. He approached Moto, "Moto, how can I help you? And when I ask that, I don't mean to sound so casual. I am busy, so what has happened that you come to me?"

"That guy we told you about, the one in Erika's-" Moto stopped as Pentecost held up a hand, "I understand your concern to his presence on this base but I have no power over that. He was given orders to continue to work on Project Biollante."

Moto nearly laughed, "Project what? Is that even a real word?"

Pentecost shook his head, "A few individuals, Dr.Shirigami included, were chosen to find ways to increase the production of plant life to quickly replace the land that will be lost in future attacks."

"So he's working on something to repair the Earth? But he stabbed Jay!" Moto yelled before lowering his head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell."

"Which is why I have him under surveillance. I am to know his every location when he is not working in the lab," Pentecost gestured to the numerous TVs, pointing out a camera watching the doctor work with a beaker in a room while a guard stood by the door.

"I just saw him by our rooms," Moto explained.

"Yes, he had to get some of his notes, and he was accompanied by one of my men," Pentecost started to see the bigger picture sprouting in the boy's head.

"Well... uh. Why does he have to be on this base? You said he was going to be moved somewhere else."

"Where would you like him to go? A majority of Hong Kong is destroyed and the rest of it is still smoking. I understand why you would be worried but he does not mean anyone harm... he's also still grieving. He lost his daughter after all." Pentecost nodded to a woman who walked in with a pile of papers in her hands. She nodded back and even smiled at Moto.

Pentecost rubbed his head, "And I don't want you to panic, however, he took a sample of Jay's blood so he can study it. I know because I asked him to explain his actions. He showed me and the council his progress. Despite working alone, he has gotten the furthest out of all the others who were assigned to the project."

"What exactly did he show you?" Moto asked.

Pentecost gestured to the tv again, "Do you see the potted roses behind him?"

Moto walked up to the TVs, analyzing the screen. The lab was pretty clean except for a small counter covered in multiple tules and utensils. On the floor were even more tools, spread on the floor around the doctor who had his back to the camera. He was messing with some roses, dropping some kind of substance between the flowers.

"I'm assuming he grew those in like a day?" Moto questioned.

Pentecost stood beside him, "He grew a single rose in one hour. We have documented footage of it growing, and once he introduced the plant to a bigger pot with more soil, it grew even more and sprouted more roses."

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