Chapter 41. Gojira, Kiryu, Dagan

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Over the course of a few hours, two living nuclear reactors had fueled the other, increasing their power with their mere presence. Now the unstoppable force and the immovable object had reached Hong Kong, or what remained of it.

The two titanic monsters burned the area and boiled the ocean, glowing with a dark heavenly blue escaping Godzilla's scales and flowing off his dorsal plates. Kiryu, the charred monster, let off an unnaturally violent purple blaze that scorched the air around its form.

Godzilla's presence alone sparked a certain rage inside Dagan, the kaiju and the human wanted nothing more than to kill the alpha of this planet

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Godzilla's presence alone sparked a certain rage inside Dagan, the kaiju and the human wanted nothing more than to kill the alpha of this planet. Dagan's rage spiked even further with Kiryu's arrival accompanying Godzilla, Ryu could sense, almost hear the human voice commanding the Titan. Kiryu's mechanical body couldn't hide the human inside, the pilot that damaged Obsidian Fury too much to function properly.

Ryu's mind flooded with memories of that day, watching Otachi approach them and the base, it was nothing but fear that led them to continue to fight, they were only boys but now, he was one of them, a monster. Ryu looked to his hands, going over the claws he was in command of now. How convenient it was that he gets placed inside a monster that resembles the very thing that destroyed his home.

Ryu screamed to Kiryu; immediately Dagan fired a blast from his mouth accompanied by lightning from his shoulders.

Jay braced for impact only for Godzilla to fire off his atomic breath, getting in a beam lock with Dagan.

The shockwave between the blasts was powerful enough to send the debris of the city flying out, shooting into the rest of the buildings that remained standing. Hong Kong was nearly set into a blaze with the two monsters pushing the other.

Kiryu was surprised he was being protected, or at least that was Jay assumed, questioning if Godzilla just wanted Dagan for himself.

"What the hell is that?" Jay asked, "Where's that kaiju we were chasing?"

'There is no time for questions, you need to focus.'

Jay nodded, "Okay, okay, here we go. Let's see what we can do in this form-"

'Jay! To your right!' Connor yelled to the pilot.

Kiryu glanced past the massive beam struggle; the mega-kaiju sprinted at the two Titans. Before Godzilla could cease his blast, Kiryu sprinted toward the colossal monster. "Here we go!" Jay cheered.

The mega-kaiju swatted Kiryu aside, using his momentum to spin around and stab Godzilla's side with his tails.

Godzilla yelped as his blast was stopped; instantly getting struck down by Dagan and launched back into the ocean.

Kiryu got to his feet, smashing his snake-like tail into the ground and getting to his feet in mere seconds.

The kaiju continued after Godzilla while Dagan turned his attention towards Kiryu, lifting his crystals from the city.

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