Chapter 74. Rematch

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Caesar and Kong stood side by side, two brutes staring down the four eyed black and white Xilien kaiju.

Monster X looked at the axe in Kong's hand, nearly showing off his weapon, made of Kiryu's dorsal plate. Fresh blood of Godzilla dripping off the blade along with the rain that was picking up.

While the others dealt with Ghidorah, Kong could only remember his last encounter with this kaiju. That wasn't going to happen again, not this time.

Caesars eyes illuminated, glowing brighter than the kaiju's beating red eyes.

As the jaegers and titans held their own against Ghidorah, Kong and Caesar ran into action.

Monster X yanked a bolt of lightning from the sky before taking off in a sprint. The bolt was pulled into Caesars eyes as Monster X and Kong clashed their axe's together.

They stood at a stalemate, their muscles burning as both tried to force the other down.

Caesar came running in beside Kong and tackled Monster X away from the ape, unleashing the blast up close into the kaiju's stomach and tossing him back.

Monster X stabbed the axe into the ground, sliding back until it collided with a building. With its free hand, it let pulled another bolt down, but again, Caesar absorbed it into its eyes, unleashing that power onto monster who summoned it.

X tried to disperse the electricity but had no time, only pulling the axe from the ground as the two titans charged at the kaiju and bodied him through the building.

The building came down as the three smashed their way onto the next street, holding X against the next building.

Caesar waited for another bolt to strike at them, watching the light in X's eyes, analyzing when the kaiju would call down another attack from the sky. The golem held the monsters right arm down while Kong had constrained the other arm.

Kong raised the axe and brought it down onto Monster X's shoulder, cracking the skull which took residence there.

X tried to levitate, yet their combined weight kept him anchored to the ground.

It whipped its tail back, striking the golden, but Caesar only growled in X's face, showing non resistance, locking the kaiju's arm in place.

The golem raised a foot to X's leg, using the kaiju to get leverage pulling at the enemies arm.

The kaiju felt it's elbow starting to bend the opposite direction. The kaiju gritted it's teeth when it saw Kong bring the axe down again into the shoulder, killing the left eye on the shoulder.

Monster X roared out, flailing its one free leg and its tail.

It's eyes brightened once again, summing a blast from the sky.

Caesar caught this detail, absorbing the bolt and firing it into Monster X, only for another bolt to strike Kong in the back.

The ape yelped, losing his grip in for a moment. X lashed out, ramming its skull like head into Kongs face, knocking the Titan back.

X then turned its attention to Caesar, jumping off the ground and forcing its body into the air. It flew, still feeling Caesar trying to snap the monsters arm in two.

X raised its tail to pull at one of the golems arms while he raised the axe, striking Caesar in the leg.

The golem felt no pain, yet it's foot slipped form X's leg, leaving the golem to remain in the air by clenching onto the kaiju's arm.

While Caesar fought to stay with the kaiju, Kong had used his axe to help him climb to the building next to him, easily reaching the top of the roof. He jumped onto Monster X with the axe held over head, bringing the jagged weapon into the kaiju's back.

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