Chapter 3.

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- An unknown amount of time later -

I opened my eyes and pushed myself up, noting I was able to breathe normally.

"Woah calm down," Erika put her hands on my shoulders, trying to keep me in place.

I looked around, seeing that I was leaning against the wall. In front of me was the platform that led to the inside of Kiryu. "I'm back?"

Erika looked to Kiryu, "After you fell unconscious, we sent out a search party and brought you back. Kiryu continued to head to the surface and that's how we found you." She rubbed my head, "You wondered pretty far from the base."

"Is Ms.Shao mad at me?"

Erika was a split second away from speaking before her voice was overlapped. "Yes and no." Shao walked out of Kiryu, "Then again I shouldn't be mad, I didn't exactly tell you everything."

"Yea, you failed to mention the part where I WAS IN A LIVING KAIJU!!!" I stood up.

"Hey, you already agreed to pilot Kiryu twice! Get used to it!" Shao tried to keep calm, "I do apologize, I've put a lot of money into Kiryu, I just wanted to see if it works. We had other candidates but they all couldn't handle it." She looked to Erika.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When one person pilots a Jaeger, their minds begin to tear itself apart. When you piloted that other Jaeger to kill the Muto, it put your health at risk. You most likely felt like your body was affected by it, but it was all in your head. Putting you into Kiryu was the best-case scenario as it helps put your mind at ease. We were reading your vital signs the entire time, the only thing that changed was your heart rate."

"So what would have happened if I didn't go in there?"

"We have a team trying to figure that out as we speak. But for now, your vital signs are all in the green." Shao looked back at Kiryu, "By tomorrow you'll be in there again."

"Tomorrow's my birthday," I said.

"I'll get you a cupcake, but you are still going in there." Shao turned away from us, "If you'll excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to."

Erika looked at Shao before she stood up, "You were unconscious for about an hour and a half." She picked me up by my arm.

I got to my feet, leaning against the wall. "Really?" I stood up, "Where's Kazunari?"

"He's talking to the cadets." Erika pulled my arm until I was leaning on her. "Come on, let's get you to your room."

"I have a room?" We began walking.

"Well yea, the cadets are gonna be leaving tomorrow. You're gonna be here for about 3 days. That's how long until we are all taken back to the Shatter-Dome in China. Once they complete all their tests and analysis, Ms.Shao will take us back with Kiryu as your official Jaeger."

While walking, I was starting to get dizzy again, I nearly fell from Erika's arm, "Let's hurry up. My entire body feels numb."

"Well, first we have to get you out of that suit," Erika said.

- At our quarters -

Erika and I stood in front of the door. The door quickly slid open, revealing a large room with all the trainees sitting on their beds, talking amongst themselves.

Kazunari was a few feet away from us. "Ah, there he is." He stood to the side as we walked in.

Erika helped me to an empty bed, my bag lay right next to it. I sat down.

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