Chapter 53. Reality

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Instantly Jay was back in the void, staring at a stressed Adaine, "What just happened?"

The Xilien trembled, "There was something behind you... it looked... Kiryu," Adaine got closer to Jay but the pilot kept his distance, "Adaine..."

The Xilien questioned his movement, moving closer again only for Jay to keep away, "Why are you backing up? You do realize you were stabbed right? We are in your mind. I had to erase the sudden pain you felt. I'm not even sure how you are still alive."

"Adaine'Malcorik," Jay murmured, freezing the woman in place, her eyes shot open, "Where did you hear that?!"

"How many lives have you taken?" Jay asked, placing a hand over his wound, "How many civilizations have you destroyed?"

Adaine peered into Jay's thoughts, instantly seeing Kastr's mask. She fell backward, "He was here. He was talking to you."

"Adaine'Malcorik," Jay said nonchalantly, "That name almost sounds human. We, humans, have two or more names, so it brings me some comfort knowing you also have two names."

"Jay, what did he tell you?" Adaine asked, seeing Kastr's face flashing into recent memories.

"A few days ago Connor and I decided to work together. To find ways on fighting other kaiju while he aided me." Jay closed his eyes and inhaled, shaking as his wound burned. He gestured to the aliens' corpse, "But after Kastr arrived, Connor went silent. He said nothing to me, he didn't talk or even make me remember that he was still with me the whole time."

"He killed... the..." Adaine got to her feet, "Why are you showing me this?"

"Because you are just like Connor. I don't know anything about you. I've had this feeling at the back of my mind that I shouldn't trust you. I kept asking myself why don't you trust this person?" Jay looked to the corpse for a moment, "I realized it's because you are a monster. You so easily want to help us or end your own life, because you don't want to face reality."

Adaine stared into Jay's eyes, noting he was the one in control here, she couldn't back out of this.

"Before we fought your cyborgs, you told me you were going to break it off with Wataru because you didn't want to see him die as an old man. Was that true, or just a coverup? Did you realize what you are?" Jay felt Kiryu's grasp on his mind, beginning to return. Where else would this sudden anger come from? Always so mad and aggressive. It was none other than Kiryu or were these the pilots' real thoughts.

Adaine remained quiet, her body was stiff and her facial expression was nonexistent.

"Stay as quiet as you want. We can stay here until you feel like you have the right words to answer me," Jay said, "I can ask you more questions if you want. Like how exactly did you get on this base? I wake up after weeks in a coma and you are just here. Everyone knows you... but I saw right through you. I don't know anymore if it was Connor or Kiryu, but one of them helped me see that you didn't belong here." Jay listened to the other thoughts, trying to find Kiryu, "I think it was Kiryu."

Jay nodded, "Yes. It was Kiryu. Because of me, he's getting hurt and he doesn't want to feel that pain anymore... at least not alone. He gave me this wound, he's been giving me the scars, and his anger transfers into me. And now... I see he is the one who doesn't like you, but not until Kastr pointed it out, that I finally see that I don't want you here. You have no choice but to help us and I'll gladly take all the help I can get. When this war is over, I want you off this planet."

With that last word, the pilot felt lightheaded, "Didn't think I could feel this way in my own head."

"It's because you are losing a lot of blood," Adaine commented.

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