Chapter 20.

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- The next day -

Teruo, Wataru and Moto sat around Shobi outside the research lab as she explained what she was, "This is going to sound weird but me and my sister are fairies. We are descendants from a civilization that worshipped a kaiju named Mothra."

"The one Dr. Tatopoulos told us about? A giant moth?" Moto questioned excitedly.


Wataru scratched at his chin, "He told us that a native explained that Mothra was female, was that native you? Or your sister?"

"That was probably someone else. However, we were approached by a woman named Emma who wanted to ask us a few questions about a some rumors. A myth they had found to be true once Mothra was born. We wanted to keep her a secret incase the government tried to do something stupid, but surprisingly we were asked if an outpost could be set up to study Mothra and her history." Shobi looked to the door of the lab for a second, still waiting for someone to tell them they could come inside.

"Is your sister over there?" Teruo asked, "I remember we met her once but that was like for two minutes."

"You guys met my sister?" Shobi questioned before realizing there was a day they were all together. "That's right! You two met her, but the next day she dropped from the program. And to answer your question, yes. She's currently at a place called Outpost 61. Do you remember her name?"

Teruo shook his head, "No."

"I know that Shobi isn't your real name." Moto spat out, "I wasn't spying on you but I was in the room when you called your sister."

"I knew you were there. I have no reason to hide my real name, I just prefer Shobi." She said as she watched an engineer walk passed the group and turn around the corner of the hall.

"So what is your real name?" Wataru leaned forward, "If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, I don't mind at all. I'm Yûmi, and my sister is Emi."

Instantly Teruo remembered, "That's right! You are your sister are twins! You guys confused the hell out of me cause I thought your copilot was going to be a dude."

Wataru smirked, "Now that you mention it, I remember too. Your sister was hot."

"Wataru!" Teruo punched his friend in the arm, "You can't just say things like that."

"That doesn't make sense, wouldn't that mean you think Shobi is hot as well?" Moto questioned as the three looked to Shobi who giggled.

Wataru put on a grin, "Finally, a smile! I don't like seeing sad people." He punched Teruo in the arm, "And that was the joke, dumbass."

"Wait, so do you think she's hot or not?" Moto asked.

Shobi laughed, "I like how you guys talk about me as if I'm not here."

"And? Would you rather us talk about you when you aren't around?" Wataru smiled as Teruo punched his arm.

"Keep punching me and I'm gonna kick your ass," Wataru held a fist to Teruo's face, who in return flicked his friends forehead, "Stop making things awkward!"

Shobi giggled to herself until the door to the lab unlocked with Hermann poking his head out, "Oh, I thought I heard talking. I figured you guys left to get some sleep. Are you all waiting on Jay?"

"We did get some sleep, and yes, of course we are waiting on Jay. We are worried about him." Moto stood up, as did everyone else, "So can we come in yet?"

"You can but you won't see Jay for a while. We are waiting on a few results but in the meantime, come watch Pentecost on tv." Hermann stepped aside, holding the door open for the pilots.

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