Chapter 10.

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- Inside the Shatter-Domes emergency room with Jay. -

The pilot rested on his bed. Snoozing comfortably, having rested for the better half of 4 weeks. A nurse glanced over at his heart monitor, taking down notes. Eventually she put down the note pad and made sure Jay was comfortable, lifting his completely bandaged right arm and putting a clean white pillow underneath. She slowly put his arm down and picked up her note pad before leaving the room.

Before the door closed, a woman slid in, managing to not make a sound as to not alert the nurse. A young woman with long straight almost black but dark blue hair, over her left eye was a dark red eyepatch. She walked up to Jay, not wearing any shoes or socks, only a pair of shorts and a shirt big and long enough to hide her shorts. She remained silent as she approached the unconscious boy. She looked at him, examining the implemented holes on his arms. She knelt down, getting a closer look. Seeing how he was able to connect to Kiryu.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed his finger twitched.

She leaned back as Jay's eyes shot open. She hid behind the curtain that hung right next to his bed. She kept her breathing down, managing to remain undetected as Jay pulled the tube from his arm. He seemed to be in a rush, throwing the blanket that covered his legs on the floor. He looked around, finding a pair of shorts and a shirt folded on a chair in the corner of his room.

He took one step before falling over, his muscles were stiff, having not moved for an entire month. His legs popped as he pushed himself up, standing and leaning against the bed as he took another step.

The women watched, still hiding as she witnessed Jay force his body to move. Forcing the stiffness in his body to fade away.

Jay tore off his hospital gown, and slid on his shorts before immediately leaving the room. He still showed signs of atrophy in his muscles and bones, his legs crunched and popped but he kept walking. As he walked down the hallway, he tore the bandages off his arms, letting them drop to the floor as he continued.

The women followed him. Since it was 3 in the morning, no personnel were walking through the hallways. Jay wondered down the hall, walking to the stairs.

The women followed him, remaining unseen, looking from around the corner of the wall. As Jay walked down the stairs, she quickly tippy-toed down the hallway. Keeping her distance, and herself out of sight as she continued to see where Jay was heading.

He wasn't going to his room, he would have walked through the hallway on the floor he woke up on. Instead he was going a few floors down.

Jay stepped off the stairs, wondering to the doors that led to the Jaegers.

The women stared down the staircase, losing sight of Jay. She rushed after him, with every step she ensured a sound was never made until she stepped into the floor. She turned the corner and bumped into Jay's chest; letting out a gasp before she fell back.

His eyes weren't focused as he blankly stared at her.

Before she could speak, he turned his back to her, ignoring her presence and continued through the doors. Heading to the platform that led to Kiryu's Conn-pod.

The women's heart was racing, she was sure he couldn't have know she was there. She kept her breathing down, and made sure her steps were silent, she even managed to keep her heart beat steady. She brushed all that aside and got to her feet, running through the doors and pulling Jay's shoulders. Keeping him from stepping into Kiryu. "Hey!"

Jay stopped, keeping that same blank expression as before.

The women looked around, the lights were on yet no one was in sight. All the engineers, the construction workers, the technicians, all out of sight after working on the Jaegers for so long.

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