Chapter 73. Electrifying

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Allison and Sebastian felt the power of the blast surge through their suits but  the mech had easily dissipated the power elsewhere, "Holy crap!"

"Too bad we can't thank Adaine for the upgrades," Allison said before her eyes landed on the three headed dragon before her, "... holy Jesus..."

"Don't be getting awestruck now!" Raleigh said through the communicator. "If we can stop these two, than that is it," Mako reminded the other pilots, reminding herself as well. For that brief moment, all the pilots had to take in the sheer size of the hydra. Even the veteran pilots had never encountered such a monster in their career.

Behind the Jaegers, Kong and Caesar had turned to face Monster X. Zilla stood between the mechs and the titans, realizing he could aid either of the two groups. He stood quickly made up his mind, standing behind the Jaegers, showing them no matter the size, Zilla would no longer show fear to the kaiju.

Again, Ghidorah began to charge its attack, forcing the jaegers to take action. They ran at the kaiju along with Zilla firing off missiles and blasting at the monsters chest.

Ghidorah blocked them all with their wings, about to attack when something else in the sky caught their attention. It wasn't the ship, because this one had wings. Fire seemed to trail behind it, leaving a trail of smoke and flame.

The right head kept its eyes on the jaegers and the titan, easily defending them off with their right wing while the other two heads tried to follow this other thing in the sky, losing it behind some of the remaining buildings. Whatever it was, was slicing through the air with its wings.

Through the storm, Ghidorah tried to listen in on where their new threat had gone, only for Rodan to come out sideways from the building and slam into Ghidorahs back, stabbing his tallons into the spine of the three headed monster.

Ghidorah pushed itself back up with its wings, knocking back the jaegers and biting at Rodan.

The two outer heads bit into his wings while the middle head charged up.

"Now's our chance!" Raleigh and Mako yelled, forming their sword as it was let out from their arm, taking shape.

Allison and Sebastian were lifted up on top of Zilla who took off in a sprint, running along side Gypsy Danger. Both of them headed toward Ghidorahs tail, jumping on holding on as the middle head now turned to face them.

Rodan saw his opportunity and inhaled before spewing out a trail of magma onto the head holding his left wing, forcing it to let go. With the other head still holding on, Rodan pulled the head closer and stabbed it with his beak, taking out the monsters eye.

All of Ghidorah flinched, having Rodan retreat while the middle head tried to comprehend that it was being attacked from two different areas.

It bit got its brothers attention and had all of them bite at the jaegers and the titan now trying to climb the monsters back.

Gypsy quickly raised the blade and stabbed the blade into Ghidorahs back. "Plasma Cannon!" Mako formed the gun in her arm, aiming for the head that was coming right for them. They shot at the neck and then blast the middle head.

The last head instantly pulled back when it spotted the others had been shot, trying to avoid the same damage, only for Zilla to jump off the kaiju's body and grab onto the head.

The right left head tried to swing the titan loose but Zilla had dug its claws from its hand and feet into the monsters face and neck. It opened its mouth glowing green and firing his own blast in his enemies face.

The two remaining heads fired their gravity beam at Zilla, sending the titan crashing into a building.

Allison and Sebastian could spot the titan, unsure if he was dead or not, either way they both yelled into the comms, "Sir, drop them! Drop them now!"

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