Chapter 15.

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- The Shatter-Dome. -

Kiryu had just been placed back into his post by a squad of choppers.

Already waiting for him at the exit to his conn-pod was Shobi, Moto and Adaine.

Kiryu mimicked Jays motions; his head hanging the entire time. They could already feel his loss, contemplating how he must feel.

Kiryu's eyes stopped glowing as his exit door slid open, they waited patiently, expecting to see Jay walking out.

About thirty seconds passed before Moto stepped to the door, "Jay," he murmured.

No response.

"Jay?" Moto looked to the girls, "Where is he?"

Adaine almost walked in, getting blocked by Shobi as Moto walked in.

The closer Moto got to the center of the conn-pod, the shorter his steps became. Allowing Adaine to pass him, "Jay."

They got to the conn-pod, seeing Jay slouched over.

At his feet was a small puddle of dark red, nearly purplish blood.

As Kiryu's wires disconnected from his body, Jay immediately fell into the puddle, splattering his blood around the floor.

Moto flinched hearing Jay's head hit the floor.

They rushed to pick him up, while Moto avoided the puddle, Adaine stood right in it, grabbing Jay's arm and lifting him.

Just then both of the individuals managed to get a small whiff of something that burned their nostrils. But it was gone just as quickly as it came.

They both dismissed it without saying anything, "Jay, can you stand?" Moto asked.

"Hold him." Adaine demanded, realizing Jay was bleeding from his stomach. Sliding the tips of her fingers along two small cuts across his stomach.

As Adaine checked his wounds, a small tear landed on her cheek.

She looked up at Jay, seeing him clenching his eyes shut as tears managed to get through his eyelids.

Adaine stood up, lifting his head, "Jay."

The pilot was able to stand, getting to his feet and pulling his arm away from Moto, "We could have avoided this..." he whispered.

"I'm sorry, what?" Adaine stepped back.

Jay lashed out, grabbing her shoulder and plunging his fingers into Adaine's bite wound.

She screamed, Jay pushed Moto back as he rammed Adaine against the wall, "Tell us everything, now!!!"

She tried to withstand the pain, "I did!" She screamed once again as Jay dug his fingers into her skin, "Tell me all the information, now!!!"

Adaine cried out as she tried to grab his arms, "I DID!!!"

Jay let her go, only to grab her hair and pull her out of Kiryu.

Moto chased after Jay, going around the puddle of blood.

Shobi stepped back, watching Jay rush out of the exit.

Adaine tried to pull away but she would have to rip out her own hair to get out of Jay's grip, "I told you everything damnit! Let me go!"

Jay didn't listen, as he was about to leave the Kiryu's post, Pentecost came walking in with Dr. Tatopoulos right by his side. He didn't expect to see Jay with Adaine in his grip. Before he could say anything, Jay kicked the back of Adaine's leg, getting her on her knees, "I want you to tell them everything!"

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