Chapter 5.

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- A few hours later -

My body rested on something cold, something with an organic smooth feel that my fingers were barely able to touch.

My vision was blurred as I opened my eyes. Seeing nothing but crimson red smears and slowly flowing blue streaks.

Every time I tried to inhale, my lungs felt closed off, but I continued to live and breathe as if everything was normal.

I could feel my bottom lip trembling as my entire being became numb. My fingers couldn't feel the lizard-like surface on the edge of my fingertips.

My body felt like it was lifted from whatever surface I was resting on.

I tried to focus my vision but the more I focused, the more of my sight was lost.

Eventually, I just felt like a husk, drifting away. Floating off to a place that somehow felt warm. I couldn't even tell if my eyes were open or not. I guess it didn't matter at this point.

Throughout this entire time, it felt like I had been here for days, with my brain barely managing to handle how long I'd been here. Have I been here for days? Weeks? Have I been falling apart for a year?
Or has it barely been a minute and an entire day will feel like an eternity.

I opened my eyes. Seeing a rusted rail holding up the roof above me. I was home, back at the Shatter-Dome except I didn't want to move, not yet.

But then I heard a quiet voice..... a tune.... a song, being sung by ......

I lifted my head, popping about 3 bones in my back.
I put my hand to the leather cushion I laid on and pushed myself up, popping more bones in the process.

"Jay!" Shobi yelled out, "Don't move." She hurried to her feet before walking into view. "Don't move, Ms.Shao said you need to stop pushing yourself."

I leaned upwards, only to have Shobi place her hand on my chest, "I'm serious, Jay." She gently pushed me back down.

I tried to resist but my arms felt weak. They even shook just by pushing me up. "I guess you're right." I sighed. Looking at the room. It appeared to be the trainee's room. Only across the hall from my room, "Why am I here?"

"You don't remember? After we arrived you could barely stand. So we brought you here. Your door is locked and you are the only one who knows the code to enter. So we brought you here." Shobi looked around.

"What about everyone else? Erika? Kazunari?" Out of sheer annoyance that I couldn't move, I tapped my fist against the bed. "What's happening? Are there plans to take care of the alien ship?"

Shobi held up a walkie-talkie, "I was informed about 20 minutes ago that we were gonna nuke the bastards. Hopefully, all the alien movies I've seen are wrong and they don't have some impenetrable shield."

That was all I needed to hear, I leaned upwards.

"Hey!" She yelled, "If you don't get some rest. You are not gonna be able to pilot Kiryu." She put her hands to my shoulders, trying to push me down.

I grabbed her arms, and looked into her eyes, "Let me go." I didn't have time for this.

She just stared back at me, trying to think of what to do.

"I'm not gonna rest until I'm certain we won't be attacked by a 30,000-ton monster."

She retracted her hands from my shoulders, "Fine, but don't push yourself so much."

I turned on the bed, letting my legs hang down. "How long have I been out?" I got to my feet, only to realize I couldn't feel them, immediately falling over on Shobi, "Oh shit!"

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