Chapter 61. Celebration

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Wataru and Pentecost analyzed the Titans position, slowly dropping while it's heart rate slowed until it became stabilized.

"Holy shit, that was brutal," Wataru stepped away from the console, "So that's it?"

Raleigh nodded, "That's that. We've stopped another attack."

Mako held his hand, "But at a cost."

"The kaiju are deceased but now I question if we should end the Titan," Pentecost stood up, rubbing his face.

"She could still be useful," Wataru covered his mouth, "But now that we've actually done this, I say we should just stick to fighting on our own."

"I both agree and disagree. But lives are at stake, even our own," Raleigh said, feeling Mako's grip get tighter, "But we put a life in the line of danger."

"I am aware. I want to end her because she can be a future threat, but also she's done enough," the director kept an eye on the heart monitor. "I can't let something like that suffer, even a Titan like her."

"Adaine to base, we are returning now, about to extract the Titan."

"Delay that. You are to send down Godzilla and that dinosaur. It'll be a mercy kill and then you may return," Pentecost sighed, "I don't want to argue about this either. Get it over with and then head back."

Pentecost waited for a reply, getting silence in return as he looked back to Wataru, seeing the pilots was also expecting a response.

Finally both of them heard Adaine on the intercom, a little reluctant to follow orders, "Understood."

On the radar, two more signatures appeared. They remained above the surface until Godzilla took the lead and began to head toward Tiamat.

Pentecost looked away for a moment, hearing the heart monitor continue to slow down until it completely stopped.

Wataru stepped up to the console, leading the director to give a single glance at the radar. The nuclear energy signature from Godzilla hadn't risen, nor had he made contact with Tiamat.

Wataru felt his heart sink at the sound of the flatline, "We killed her."

"She chose to stay and fight, she didn't die for nothing," Raleigh added.

"I was already predicting she might leave the area or join the kaiju. But she stayed and fought." Pentecost watched Godzilla float down with Tiamats body. Behind the king was Titanosaurs, keeping its distance from the corpse.

"I wonder what he's thinking," Wataru stood beside Pentecost. He shrugged, "I don't know. He's probably ensuring she is dead." He gestured to Wataru, "Go meet the others when they return. We have stopped another kaiju attack."

Wataru remained, "I think I'll stay here. My stomach doesn't feel good."

"Then visit the infirmary, I need to make a call," Pentecost turned to the console, "Check on Jay, tell me how he's doing."

Wataru understood, leaving the control room. His head hang low, questioning if what they had done was right and just. One sacrifice to save many. It sounded good, but the pain they put the Titan through was plaguing the pilots thoughts.

Wataru leaned against the wall, holding his stomach as he tried to inhale, "What the hell did we do?"

Raleigh left the control room while Mako headed to the nearest elevator. He nudged Wataru's arm, "You okay?"

"I'll be fine, but I don't think I'll be watching the next fight if we send out another Titan," Wataru pushed himself from the wall, "I get what we are doing but I just didn't expect I'd be so hurt over a Titan I've never seen up close."

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