Chapter 27.

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- Kiryu, a few hours earlier -

"So this is your home?"

Jay pulled a key out from his pocket, unlocking the front door, "It's not much but this wasn't always home." The door opened, revealing the interior of a small apartment. "One living room, one kitchen, a bathroom and the bedroom."

"It's... small but you humans are small... so I guess this makes sense."

"No, you aren't wrong, this place is small. We use to live in a much bigger house. A mansion full of useless shit." Jay entered inside, stepping away to let in the large eight foot alien.

The tall standing extraterrestrial lowered his head so he could step inside, "May I ask why we are here specifically?"

"Well the last time we were here, it was just blank. It was a dark room with a cold floor. At least here I could feel more comfortable. Also you've helped me remember this place in more detail. So I thank you for that." Jay was hit with nostalgia just feeling the carpet between his toes.

"You really like this place huh?" The alien looked around, "I can hear your thoughts as if you were speaking."

"Don't forget, I can hear your thoughts as well." Jay said as he stood in the living room. "But there's nothing to hide between us. Right? There is no privacy... not anymore."

"You are right." The alien examined the place, "If you lived in a bigger home, why did you chose this one?"

"Because I'm mad." Jay walked to the bedroom, seeing his parents bed. He then looked to his right, seeing the closet. He opened it, recognizing all his toys.

The alien peaked his head in, "Your parents room?"

"Yes, and this was where I use to play." Jay picked up the toys, a Batman in bulky red armor and a dinosaur robot. "I use to pretend these two were me and my father fighting off against Kaiju." Jay looked to a small cardboard box, inside were some action figures. "They were all I needed to keep me from being bored."

"Simple toys..." the alien retreated back to the living room, "And I'm guessing that's the bookshelf that fell on you right?" The massive creature walked over, reading some of the names. As he read the words, he realized how simple everything was. These letters were so simple.

If he remembered correctly, the max number of letters was 24? No it was 26. His species had a Max of 37 letters.

The alien reached out to grab a book, but hesitated, hearing music... a tune.

Beside the bookshelf, a window full of light, quickly darkened into a rainstorm.

"Jay?" The alien backed up, seeing lightening just outside the door, "Jay!" He stepped back into bedroom, seeing Jay on his knees, slouching over.

"Jay, what's going on?" The alien placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I was inside there." Jay murmured.

The alien looked into the closet, seeing a big black trunk in the corner.

"I was inside there for a long time. Questioning why I was alone. Asking myself why I was alone. Asking myself why I was alone..." Jay sobbed, clenching his fists, "I'm mad." Jay punched the wall, "Stay mad."

"Why? Why let anger control you?"

"Because I fucking hate crying!" Jay yelled, "I use to love this place. It was so small and comfortable! But now I get it. Mom never liked this place, she just lied and put on a smile because she didn't care. She never cared!" Jay got up, "Mom didn't care... leaving me here to die, when all she had to do was save me. She could have lifted the bookshelf with ease."

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