Chapter 64. Museum

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Inside the control room, Pentecost and the pilots explained to Jay, "So all that happened while I was unconscious? What the hell?!" Jay rubbed his face, "And Moto? You guys lost him too?"

"We didn't lose him... it's just... a Titan took him," Nick said through the TV. "We took every precaution- Alright, we lost Moto. But he is inside that Titan, and we know where its going."

"Where is it going?" Jay asked before Pentecost pointed to the TV screens, "It is heading here, to Skull Island. Home of Kong and the next place the kaiju will appear next."

"You guys were told this is the next place? Kastr told you?" Jay glanced to the pilots, yet they all held their heads low, except the twins, yet even they remained quiet.

"What's wrong? We have two days and a location, this is going to be a little easier right? We can plan an attack?"

"One day," Pentecost let out.

"What?" Jay raised a brow, "You just told me-"

"Kastr is releasing two kaiju tomorrow. On Skull Island, and he told us to keep the Jaegers out of this fight, cause the next monster can manipulate electricity. Meaning the pilots could get killed as soon as those things come through the breach."

"... fuck..." Jay murmured, "And we just lost Kiryu."

- Elsewhere -

Adaine rummaged through her ships equipment, bits and peices of old devices, weapons and simply tools were left everywhere along the floor. Kastr had gone through everything and destroyed anything of use.

The Xilien sighed and kept digging through chips and cracked screens along the walls, "Come on, there has to be something here I can use."

With her inhuman speed, she went throughout the ship, going over everything in her path, picking up very little piece of technology that could be salvaged. Within hours, she had a hand full of untouched cards and chips.

The Xilien went through the ship, heading up each floor until she reached the top floor, finding nothing more than destruction in her wake. One last room at the end of the hall had gone unexplored. Despite the ship remaining at room temperature, she could feel unease from behind the door.

She walked down the long hall, eyeing the door down as it slid open to darkness. She stepped closer to the wall, sliding her hand along the hexagon plates that made up the hallway walls.

Another step closer and Adaine stopped, unsure of her sudden fear. The ship was empty, Kastr wouldn't have given her anything more than her ship and those gifts. With human technology she could make due with what she had, yet when she looked down, she could see her foot sliding forward.

The Xilien slid the pieces into her pocket and continued to the remaining room.

She pushed herself away from the wall, picking up her confidence, inhaling, and marching down the hall.

As she walked forward, someone exited the door, another Xilien, checking diagnostics on a tablet.

Adaine watched as it walked past her, yet she continued to the door.

Another Xilien came up from behind her, acknowledging her with words that never left its lips.

Adaine gasped, covering her mouth and picked up the pace, seeing a light inside the room start to brighten, getting to the point of now seeing everything inside before she could enter the door.

Her team inside the room walked about, minding their business while one of her people caught her attention. The one individual to bring life to her ship, Merzi.

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