Chapter 49. Grudge Match

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Adaine typed into the gadget, watching the lights flicker on but instantly turning off, "What the hell is going on?"

Jay twitched, sliding down against the tube, forcing the xilien to grab the pilot, "Damn it, Jay, I know you got hit pretty bad but you need to wake up!"

Adaine grabbed the gadget; placing it down before pulling Jay's arm. She closed her eyes as she peered into the boy's mind, unable to hear a single thought.

The Xilien opened her eyes, seeing the pilot was practically lifeless, "Jay?" She put a hand to his chest, waiting for a heartbeat... but there was nothing. She placed her fingers against his throat, however, a pulse was absent.

"Son of a bitch!" She laid the pilot down, "I know you aren't dead! You can't be!" She put her hands to his chest, pushing down over and over, "I hope I'm doing this right." She leaned over, reaching for his eyes, "Crap, was it your left eye that was normal? Or your right?"

She opened his right eye, seeing the purple and black swirl, "Ok, it was your left eye." The Xilien opened his left, falling back at the sight of his left eye also filled with the dark swirl in his pupil, "What the hell?!"

Adaine fell back onto her butt, barely noticing the pilot's eyes were open on their own.

Jay leaned upwards, his expression blank as he stood.

"Hey, are you alright?" Adaine asked as the pilot looked around.

The pilot examined his surroundings, realizing this was the wrong place. Jay walked into the tube, turning to the opening and remaining in place as his eyes closed.

Adaine stood up, watching as Jay stood completely still, "Jay?" She got closer, placing a hand to the tube as she reached in and poked the pilot's chest, "Are you alright?"

Adaine focused for a moment, once again peering into his mind.

Jay's eyes flashed open, lashing out and grabbing Adaines throat, "Stay out," he said nonchalantly, "I want freedom, now."

Adaine kept still, feeling Jay's grip was solid, but she wasn't sure this was the pilot speaking. "Jay."

"I want outside, now," Jay said again, pulling Adaine into the tube and looking into her eye. His demeanor carried no hostility yet his pupils starred into the Xiliens eye as if she was nothing more than an insignificant small life form.

Adaine pulled at his hand, "Alright, alright I'm working on getting all of you free. Ralagor is still-"

Jay tossed her out of the tube onto the floor, "Only me."

"You? But you'll get-" Adaine looked into Jay's eyes as her surroundings began to fade away, leaving her in a void of nothingness.

Adaine looked around, "What the hell is this?!" The Xilien got to her feet, hearing breathing right over her shoulder. She stopped moving, feeling a cold sensation cover her entire body while steam escaped the mouth of the thing behind her, "I said only me."

Adaine couldn't move, realizing this was all in her head, "You aren't Jay, are you?"

"I said," the voice behind her now echoed everywhere, nearly deafening her, "I want out! Now!"

Adaine fell onto the floor of her ship. She quickly turned to Jay, seeing his eyes staring down at her. His shattered pupils swirled in their sockets, nearly putting Adaine in a daze, "Out. Now."

The Xilien shook as she lifted the gadget up, rewiring the tool; glancing up at Jay for a moment, unable to see the human. She hurried, realizing something far superior was standing over her

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