Chapter 48. The Brawlers

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Jay stepped into a tube big enough to fit at least two other people. Under his feet was a glow with holes outlining the light. He looked up at the top, seeing the same glow and holes with smears of a light green substance barely sliding down the glass, "Uh, Adaine. Can you tell me what this tube is for?"

Adaine examined the device on her arm, "It's for test subjects, the injured, or holding a person in suspended animation."

Jay eyed the woman, "You've never held a human in here, right?"

"No. Humans never interested me enough to want to study them up close... well at least not until my ship was attacked." Adaine stepped into another tube that ascended from the floor.

"Then why am I in here then?" Jay asked.

"The logic and science behind those scars all over your body is a mystery, so I'm going to record you while you are controlling Kiryu. Hopefully, while you are in there, you don't obtain any further injuries. If you do, I want to see what's causing them," Adaine stepped up to the tube, "I was gonna fill the tube, but we have less than a minute."

"Jay, Adaine, 15 seconds remaining," Pentecost said over the coms.

The Xilien stepped into the other tube, keeping it open as she sat down, "My other ship is already hovering over Godzilla. As soon as we are informed of their location, he'll be retrieved and we can bring him to us. Hopefully, I won't have to hold him for long."

"I can feel Kiryu getting anxious." Jay said as he stood in place with his eyes closed, "He wants to be free."

"He can wait at least 2 minutes," Adaine said as she counted down the seconds, examining the device, "We have 9... 8... 7..."

Jay listened to her voice, keeping Kiryu steady while the numbers counted down, feeling like time went by too fast.

"3... 2... 1..." Adaine said immediately as a breach was detected, "They are here!"

- The Citadel -

The breach broke open, cracking apart in the middle of the Xilien city. The near-empty city echoed with its sudden appearance, spreading to the ceiling before it stopped.

Kastr sat on the edge of the building with Vorticia standing by his side, activating the two cyborgs.

Syn's eyes shot open, having its mind flooded with commands which overlapped each other, forcing the kaiju to launch to its feet, roaring as it approached the breach.

Syn's eyes shot open, having its mind flooded with commands which overlapped each other, forcing the kaiju to launch to its feet, roaring as it approached the breach

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Ralagor's arm cannon began to light up, letting the kaiju quickly inhale. His core began to charge with power, fueling the monster's mechanical innards. The kaiju flinched, removing the stiffness from its body.

He quickly looked to the breach, growling as he raised his arm to the planet, stopping Syn from entering first. He had waited long enough and his patience was gone; the time for action began now.

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