Chapter 58. Conversing with the damaged

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Moto waited in front of the elevator, tapping his foot and banging his hand against his thigh, "Come on... come on."

The elevator dinged; causing Moto to get closer to the door, "Finally."

As the doors opened, he was greeted by Muramasa, "Hey, we lost you."

Moto glanced down the hallway before stepping into the elevator, "You didn't lose me, I saw someone I thought we had kicked out of here."

"Winters? That douche just left," Muramasa put his foot between the doors, keeping them open.

"No, not Winters. There was this guy a few days ago who stabbed Jay with this small knife," Moto quickly stopped Muramasa from questioning what he meant, "Stab isn't the appropriate word. He cut Jay with a small knife and then just ignored us. I thought after we told Pentecost that he would have been kicked out of here... I mean, he cut my brother with a knife! So why is here still here?"

"I get it," Muramasa stepped out of the elevator, "Well he's in the control room if you want to talk to him. Did you see everyone else come back up here?"

"Kinda, I think I saw the twins earlier but I was following that man," Moto pressed the button to go down, "I'm going to tell Pentecost about that man."

"Well, be careful," Muramasa watched the doors close as Moto nodded to the pilot.

Muramasa turned to the hall, instantly feeling like he was being watched. He could hear Sebastian in the brother's room, which eased the pilot a bit, yet he still didn't feel confident to stand there alone.

He looked to the elevator doors, noting how Moto didn't seem frightened in the least.

Then again he didn't see its face, he just knows there is something there.

Without thinking, the pilot started walking, just staring at the brother's door, focusing on the handle until he stood at the doorstep. He quickly yanked the door open, stepping inside and slamming it shut, "I hate knowing that thing is there."

"Shh," Wataru said to Muramasa as everyone listened to Allison who was being comforted by Mack and Emi.

"I'm surprised Pentecost never asked us to return to base. He allowed us to take some men to help us find some survivors." Allison sniffed, "And then finally we found these stairs that had been blocked off by a chunk of the wall and when we moved it, we found dad laying there," she started to lose it, hiding her face in the sleeves of her jacket, "I thought he was dead but he was breathing..." Allison cried out, turning to hug Emi.

Emi looked to Sebastian who leaned against the wall next to her. He seemed to be off in his world, banging his fist against the wall.

Muramasa pulled out the paper from his back pocket, "Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt but this is for you, Sebastian."

The pilot didn't flinch, staring off at the floor, trying to keep in the hate.

Muramasa slipped past Gage and Yumi, holding out the paper in Sebastian's view, "Dude, this is yours."

Instantly Sebastian's eyes widened, snatching the paper so fast he ripped it. He crumbled it, tearing it up and just letting the small pieces fall to his feet. He turned to the bathroom to his right and slammed the door behind him, screaming out profanity.

Allison sobbed, listening to her brother shred his vocal cords, "Goddamn it! Wasted days rescuing your ungrateful ass!"

The group flinched as the door was struck.

Sebastian pulled the door open, pushing past everyone, reaching out to the door.

Muramasa grabbed his friend's shoulder, "Hey, where are you going?"

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