Chapter 47. Serenity before Destruction

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2 hours remaining

Unsure of how things would turn out, Jay lied on his bed, thinking about his remaining time until he was deployed. Confused about how he was going to reconnect with the Titan... or if he was going to be able to disconnect from Kiryu.

With all the hate that Kastr brought, the pilot sneered at the thought that Kastr helped the boy. He was so certain that he would never see anyone up close again, yet here he was, back in his room once again, ready to leave for the second time.

Yumi rolled over on her side, looking at Jay, seeing his eyes staring off into the distance, lost in thought.

She leaned closer, getting comfortable while hugging his arm.

Jay looked to the beautiful woman by his side, giving her a kiss on the head before returning to his train of thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Yumi asked, "Or do you want to just lay here?"

"I don't know what I'm thinking about. The last time I was here felt like a while ago but it's only been a few days. If I go back and combine with Kiryu again, will I be able to return here, or would I be stuck in Kiryu permanently this time? I don't know how he did it, but Kastr removed me from Kiryu, something I didn't think was possible." Jay grabbed a pillow, sliding it under his head while he turned back to look at the ceiling, focusing on the future.

Yumi let go of Jay's arm, getting on him, "But here you are after Newt and Hermann confirmed that you were safe to be around." Yumi placed her hands on Jay's shoulder, leaning over the pilot, "So, how are you thinking about that now? You've spent two days with everyone here. You got to hug your brother again, you got to talk to Wataru and Adaine. You met my sister and the other pilots. If you are going back into Kiryu, I would say you should continue to enjoy your time here as if it's the last time."

Jay looked at Yumi, staring into her beautiful light brown eyes. Her wavy black hair and her blushing red cheeks. He smiled at the woman looking down on him, he could stay in that spot forever with this lovely being.

Her face started to turn completely red, covering Jay's eyes, "Stop looking at me like that!"

Jay removed her hand, "What? I'm doing what you said, enjoying my time here. I didn't expect to be in a relationship when I became a pilot. So when I first saw you, I thought you were cute, but looking at you now. You rival the stars with your beauty."

The twin covered her face quickly, chuckling to herself, "That was way too smooth, even for you!" Yumi leaned back, quickly inhaling before raising a brow, "What about my sister, who looks exactly like me? Would you say the same thing about her too?"

Jay pushed himself up, wrapping his arms around her waist, "She is beautiful too, but you give me this specific look that hasn't changed since we first met, and I really appreciate it. It shows you do have an interest in me and don't just pity me."

Yumi placed her arms on his shoulders, "Continue..."

The couple put their heads together, closing their eyes as Jay went on, "I have this black and purple thing in my eye but out of everyone, you look at me like my eyes are normal. With Moto he can't tell which eye to focus on so he looks elsewhere and with the others, they try to hide the fact that I look different."

Yumi got closer, pulling Jay into her chest, "Because you are still Jay. A simple color change isn't going to make me think otherwise."

Jay put his ear to her chest, listening to her heartbeat again, feeling her warmth and soft chest. He could never get used to this, it was always so calming and peaceful compared to his life now. The pilot smiled, "Heh, a simple color change? I think my eye drastically changed."

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