Chapter 4.

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Within a matter of seconds, I was already far from the base, swimming under the water much fluently, thanks to the rocket boosters on my back. 

"Jay, go to your left."

I did as told, turning slightly. Kiryu was going much faster than before. "How long will this take until we get to the Shatter-Dome?"

"With the speed, you are going at, we'll be there within 6 hours."

"What?!" That was way too long. "I can't swim any faster with this jet pack?"

"Well you can but you could risk causing tsunamis to nearby cities."

Kiryu began to descend, "Well I'll have to risk it then." I closed my fists, causing the jet pack to operate. Causing me to go through the oceans at a much greater speed.

"Jay! Warn us when you are going to do that!! And if you are going to go faster, at least go further into the depths." Shao yelled.

"Sorry. My bad." Kiryu swiftly swam through the oceans without the feel of any restrains.

"Jay. How are you doing?" Kazunari asked. "Are you feeling lightheaded or uneasy?"

"I feel like I can take on those fucking aliens," I said as I descended further into the ocean's depths.


"Guys, prepare yourself. I'm detecting a Kaiju!"


I opened my hands, allowing the jet pack to slowly calm to a halt. I began searching the water. The lights on my head helped me search.

"Can you see anything?" Erika asked.

I was becoming frantic, something felt a little off. "Ms.Shao, you had that Kaiju caged underwater or something, right? That level 2 Kaiju?"

"Yes. Why?" She asked.

Suddenly something came right at me, "INCOMING!!!" Kiryu roared, even underwater, he roared loudly.

A massive Kaiju with blue glowing lines along its body tackled me down.

I could feel it actually ram into my stomach, I yelled out as I formed my hand into the drill, drilling my hands into the Kaijus head.

The Kaiju roared, trying to push me away, but I held on, grabbing the back of its head and drilled right down onto the skull.

The Kaiju pushed me away as it bled, letting out the blue blood into the ocean.

As the Kaiju swam away I went after it, grabbing its tail and pulling it back to me.

The giant monster roared as I pulled it close. Kazunari said the Jaeger could do everything Godzilla could do, so I opened my mouth.

I instantly started blowing the air from my lungs, Kiryu did the same, opening its mouth and blowing a yellow atomic beam right into the Kaiju's face.

The Kaiju roared in agony as it tried hard to escape me. I took in another breath of air; Kiryu let out the atomic beam once more, burning the left half of the Kaiju's face until I could see its skull beneath the flesh.

The monster looked at me, knowing I wasn't gonna let it escape. It started this fight, so now I was gonna finish it.

I grabbed the small horns protruding from its shoulders, making sure it couldn't escape me. With my right hand, turning back into a drill, I stabbed the Kaiju's open wounded face before drilling further into its head.

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