Chapter 71. Split

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The red flecks smashed together while starting to follow Yaden. To the pilots, Yaden now led a spiraling blood mist behind her as it fled through the sky.

"Someone shoot her down!" Mack aimed with Gage at the mist, "She's too small, we can't target her."

"She's too high up, our chain won't be able to grab her either," Emi mentioned.

"Wait, we have Rodan, send him down!" Mack suggested as their jaeger looked up at the ship, "Come on sir, send him out here."

"What's to stop him from attacking us?" Gage asked through the comms.

"Guys, we know where she's going, and we know where Monster X is heading. Lets get Jay and Adaine and figure out a plan from there," Wataru suggested, even looking to Pentecost, "Sir, what do you say?"

"Splitting up doesn't sound good, but we have no choice," Pentecost was cut off by Nick, "Guys, the opening I mentioned is heavily guarded. I suggest we split into two teams, jaegers head after Yaden, and we let the titans and Jay deal with Monster X. If we can stop Yaden, we can head back and give some aid to Jay and the others."

"Then lets find Jay," Wataru looked to the controls for the ship, beaming up the jaegers before hovering the vessel over the base and searching for his friend. He pulled in Kiryu who was still unconscious and Gigan who stood motionless.

Wataru searched the base for life, finding a single person heading out of the blast doors.

The beam grabbed the person and brought him up. On the pad, Jay stood there with Kujo in his arms, and a potted plant resting on Kujo.

Jay fell to his knees, placing Kujo down, "Where is she?"

"Who?" Wataru asked.

"Yaden! Where is she?!" Jay yelled out, he raised his head, showing off his bleeding eyeless socket, "She is too dangerous to let roam free. I promised Adaine that we would deal with her without your help because she can kill you. I intend on keeping that promise."

"Jay, the possibility of us dying on the job has always been high. The goal is to keep everyone else safe." Mack said as Gage agreed.

"Jay, we came up with a plan of splitting up. We'll deal with Yaden before she reaches the core, and you can stop Monster X with the titans," Nick said as Jay gave Kujo a glance, "Do you see Kujo? Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Yaden will kill you all. Adaine stressed that much to me... wait, where is Adaine?"

"She was left on Skull Island." Wataru mentioned.

"Then lets go find her, Adaine and I will go after Yaden, the rest of you go after Monster X." Jay took the plant from Kujo, "Dr. Shiragami was working on this, he gave it to me before he died." He handed the pot to Pentecost, "Everyone either escaped or died." He grabbed Wataru's wrist, controlling the device and having the ship fly toward Skull Island.

"Dr. Shiragami didn't make it?" Pentecost asked as Nick placed a hand on Jay's shoulder, "What about Newt and Herman?"

Jay looked to Nick, almost forgetting about his eye before looking away, "They didn't make it..."

"Are you positive? They could have escaped," Pentecost stood beside Jay, trying to look him in the eyes, only being met with a stare. A stare Pentecost recognized all too well.

The director backed off, sighing as he grabbed at his long sleeve uniform and took it off. He bit into the sleeve and ripped it up, "Nick, help me out here. Three of us are bleeding."

Pentecost ripped up his sleeve with Nick taking one of the strips and placing it over Wataru's leg, tying it hard enough for Wataru to nearly yell out.

Nick helped Wataru to the floor, letting the pilot rest as he took another torn strip and walked over to Jay, "Is your eye okay?"

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