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Few days later.


" Are you ready, Ari?" My mom yelled from downstairs making me smudge my eyeliner accidentally.

Oh come on.

" Almost" I yelled back then corrected my mistakenly smudged eyeliner.

Few moments later, I grabbed my bags then walked carefully downstairs careful not to trip or slip.

" Hey Ari" I saw Imogen in the living room and my eyes went wide. This girl as I said will be the death of me.

" Imogen?"

" Hey" she waved like a kid then giggled.

" When did you arrive?" I asked cause I was freaking confused.

" Uhhh... I think by 5:40am or so" she shrugged and my mouth went agape.

" 5 what? Even by that time I was still asleep" I said almost laughing my head off.

" So? You know I can't afford to miss this flight" she said looking deep into my eyes.

" Or do you mean you can't afford to miss the chance of seeing my brother" I sassed and she blushed.

" Imogen!!!"

" Yeah maybe, but whatever let's get going" she said holding on to her luggages.

" We're ready to go mom" I yelled and I could hear footsteps approaching, then my mom came out of the kitchen with her car keys and with a smile.

" Let's get to the car" she led the way while imogen and I followed up with our luggage.

Afterwards, we dropped our luggages in the trunk and got into the car, the both of us at the back seat while my mom at the driver's seat.

" You ready to hit the road, girls?" She asked.

" Yep" imogen and I echoed then laughed a bit.

" Alrighty then, let's go" she started the car and then we hit the road while listening to some cool music that played on the radio.

" We're here" my mom cheekily said then we all got out of the car, went to the trunk and got our luggage out and then imogen and I went over to my mom and hugged her.

" I'm gonna miss you girls so much" she said stroking our hairs.

" I'm going to miss you too Mom" I said.

" I'm going to miss you too, Mrs Styles"  imogen replied and my mom just smiled at us and gave us a kiss on our cheeks causing us to giggle like little kids. I've always loved my mom cheek kisses since I was little and it seemed like I haven't outgrown it a bit.

" Alright mom, we have to go now before we're late for our flight." I said then we shared our goodbyes before walking out with our luggage trying to find our flight.

" Flight to Los Angeles, please proceed to gate 13" a lady's voice sounded in a loud speaker cutting the conversation Imogen and I shared short.

" That's our flight" she yelled then I gave her a look. Afterwards we took our luggages and walked to gate 13.

On getting there, we saw how some people were searched by the security guards making me sigh. Oh well


" Finally, we're out of that horrible security post" imogen groaned dramatically and I just rolled my eyes playfully.

" Let's just get into the plane, yeah?"

Then we both entered into the plane and then showed our seats. Surprisingly my seat was close to a guy who sat by the window while Imogen's seat was two rows away from mine.

" Guess we'll be away from each other for some hours" she said a bit sadly and I just reassured her with a smile.

" Don't worry about that, I'll see you in a few hours" I said and she just gave me a 'really'look and I laughed.

" Just go to your seat" I shooed her and she walked grumpily to her seat. Shaking my head, I sat on my seat then took a glance at the guy I sat beside and he seemed to be lost on what was happening out the plane window.

I just sank into my seat, buckled up my seat belt and waited patiently for the plane to take off.


" Okay passengers, please buckle up your seatbelts as the plane will be taking off now" the pilots voice sounded through a little speaker.

Few minutes later, the plane finally took off making me smile a little bit, I can't wait to see my crazy and cheeky older brother.


Few hours later

I sighed for the billionth time which signified my ultimate boredom. To be honest, I miss Imogen and her crazy personality.

" Are you alright?" I heard a deep voice say to me. Looking up, I saw that it was the guy that sat beside me and oh my freaking brain, he was cute.

" Uhmm... Y..yeah, I am" I stuttered. Shit.

" But you've been sighing here and there" he said again.

" Oh... I'm sorry about that, I mean I'm sorry if I disturbed you" I apologized sincerely and he smiled.

" Nothing to be sorry about, besides this flight is super boring so yeah"

" Oh you feel it too?" I dumbly asked.

" Yep, but I guess we can both keep ourselves busy for the while" he said and I nodded.

" By the way, my name is Caleb" he smiled.

" Arielle" I simply said.

" What a beautiful name, Arielle" he said and the way he pronounced sure gave me butterflies.

" Thanks" I said shyly putting a bit of my hair behind my hair.

" So why are you going to Los Angeles?" He asked.

" I'm going to visit my brother over there, it's been a long time since I saw him last so I guess today I'll be seeing him"

" That's cute".

" What about you?" I asked.

" Going back home" he simply said and I gave him a confused look and he seemed to understand.

" My family lives at Los Angeles so I came over to stay with my uncle in London for some reason" he shrugged and I nodded in understanding.

And that was how the interesting conversation kept on going on and on and on.


Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now