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" Thanks for your help, Dalia" I said to her and she just smiled.

" You don't have to thank me , I'm just doing my job as a gynecologist" she said.

" But, you've been so supportive of us" Harry added.

" That's because I take you guys as my family" she chuckled softly.

" Anyways, this is the time for you two to start planning for your babies" Dalia said and Imogen's and Harry's face wore the look of confusion.

" I don't understand, what do you mean?" Imogen asked.

" I mean, it's time to start buying stuffs in preparation for your baby, y'know, setting up a nursery... Having a baby shower" she said.

" Omg, that's right, it's time for us to plan a baby shower" Imogen slapped her forehead dramatically.

" So that means we go baby shopping probably by tomorrow" Harry said.

" Right" Dalia nodded.

" Well, can I ask you something,Dalia?" Imogen asked.

" Go on" Dalia said.

" Are you free tomorrow?"

" Yes, why do you ask?" Dalia asked.

" Well... I don't know if you'd love to go baby shopping with us tomorrow" Imogen nervously said.

" Really". Everyone nodded.

" Oh my God, I'd love to come along with you guys" she said.

" Thank you so much" Harry thanked her and she smiled.

" I think we should get going, see you tomorrow, Dalia" Harry said.

Imogen and Harry left Dalia's office and as I was about to leave, Dalia pulled me back.

" I've got something to tell you" She said making me curious.

" Okay?"

" I was thinking of moving next to you guys" she said and my eyes went wide.

" Seriously?" I asked and she nodded.

" That's a splendid idea, Dalia"

" Thanks."

" I can't wait to have you as our neighbor, it'll be so much fun having you around or at least next to us" I said and she smiled then hugged me.

" I'd love that too" she whispered to my ear then let me go. We said our goodbyes then left.


Next day

" We're here" Harry announced as we made a stop to Dalia's house.

" Where are we, daddy?" Blakely asked. (Today, she was given a free day)

" You'll see" Harry smirked then came down from the car, walked over to the porch and rang the doorbell and within a few seconds, Dalia stepped out with a smile.

" Why does that woman look so familiar?" Blake squinted.

" That's because she's Mrs Dury" I finally said and immediately she came down from the car and imogen and I followed her.

" Mrs Dury!!!" Blakely exclaimed.

" Blakely!!" Dalia exclaimed then the two hugged dearly.

" Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're here" Dalia said.

" I missed you so much" Blake said.

" Me too" Dalia said.

" How have you been doing all this while?" Dalia asked.

" Great, my mommy,daddy, Aunt Arielle, uncle Zayn, uncle Niall, Uncle Louis and uncle Liam are the best because they've been taking good care of me"

" You sure have a large family" Dalia chuckled then looked up at us and we smiled.

" Sorry to interrupt this joy, but I guess it's time for us to get going to the mall" Harry said.

" Yeah, that's right, let's get going" Dalia said then we all got into the car.


We came down from the car and all wore our sunglasses as a protection from fans.

" So, we'll be going to Babies R Us" Dalia said then led the way to the store.

" Wow, they're so many little stuffs here" Blakely said.

" That's why it's a baby store" Imogen said.

" Oh I get it... Babies R Us" Blake nodded slowly.

We walked around the store, picking up baby stuffs and to be honest it was so much fun because we kept laughing, Dalia was so much funny.

" This is so cute" Imogen squealed holding up some baby shoes.

" Awww" the rest of us said.

" This will be good for the babies nursery" Dalia pointed out to a crib that stood in the corner.

" Oh that's right, how much does it cost?" Harry asked and I checked the price tag.

" Uhmm.... A hundred dollars?" I said.

" Alright, there's no prob, good thing I came with my credit card"Harry shrugged.

I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out of my pocket and saw that I had a text from Gemma.


How's baby shopping going?


It sure is fine, you're really missing out on all the cuteness.


Why did I go to work 🤦‍♀️




I have to go, see you guys later make sure Blake is safe.


What about the rest of us?


Uhh... You guys are big already and besides I really miss having my little niece around me.




You still haven't told me the baby's gender.


No spoilers, now.go back to work, Harry's calling me.




Bye chica😘


Oh shut up.

I put my phone in my pocket, laughed at Gemma's attitude then went over to meet the others.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now